Australia received a half-hammered dog


  Some riders who overcame the marathon wanted to hang on to Storm.

Some riders who had overcome the marathon wanted to hang on to Storm. Storms was awarded a medal in the Australian province during a half marathon and captivated the hearts of all his rivals.

Mixed at two and a half hours – the average time of participants – has traveled the entire distance of 21 km. The Goldfields Pipeline Marathon took place this month near the town of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia.

"Everyone was impressed. By the way, this friendly dog ​​was the first player of its kind to have walked with greetings and started with them, "said Granty Wholey, event organizer Tuesday, AFP news agency. At the races, the animal ran and greeted the volunteers and participants, and then contributed to the runners and followed their crowd. "

The organizer of the marathon claimed that the dog had just arrived. A local Aboriginal community According to local school teachers, residents call it Storm

Participants were informed that the animal belongs to the community and not to a single owner. race, no one came looking for this one-year-old dog among the officers.

G. Wholey, visiting Storm last week and giving him a medal, hopes to find four-domed owners. do not hit the dog next week it will be transmitted to a runner so that the domestic animal has a home.

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