Boeing and Embraer Agree on Strategic Partnership to Create Joint Venture | Business


Under the terms of the agreement, Boeing will manage 80% shares of the joint venture joint venture and Embraer – the remaining 20%.

A joint venture whose value, according to preliminary estimates, will be $ 4.75 billion.

Boeing expects the partnership to start generating profits as early as 2020.

The joint venture will, among others, be badigned to the business of Embraer civil aircraft .

An agreement with Embraer marks a new stage for the two giants of aircraft construction Boeing and Airbus – a milestone of competition

Last October, a European group of aeronautical and space technologies with Canadian Bombardier signed an agreement to Bombardier C manufacturing partnership

Boeing and Embraer plans require authorization from the Government of Brazil, which runs the so-called Embraer Gold Campaign, and can therefore veto such an agreement

Embraer was established in 1969 with the help of the Brazilian government. In 1994, it was privatized and is currently ranked third among the world's largest commercial aircraft manufacturers in terms of revenues.

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