Business Professionals: How to Start a Career as a Powerful Hopping?


Many students are still shy and do not decide the type of work they want and where they can come true.
after graduation. But the fact is that they have the opportunity to get closer and closer to the business world
getting to know, really helps to understand who's who, to discover the possibilities and to choose as soon as possible
career, says KTU's career mentor, UAB Ikea Purchasing
Executive Director of Services Stephan Armani

KTU students have a unique opportunity to learn from business representatives – to participate in the mentoring program
GUIDed At the same time, he is not only more familiar with the chosen profession, sharing the experience, the knowledge,
the first contacts in the business sector are created, but often opportunities to practice or even get

"Share and share experiences, find a reciprocal direction, where to go to improve.
one of the most important mentoring factors ", – says the mentor of the KTU UAB Mentoring Program" Kesko
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Knowledge and Personal Skills

Students believe they have learned a lot from their mentors: they have not only deepened their knowledge, but also
Personal skills that will definitely help you in the future.

Aivars Rastenis, a third year student of automation and management, says that he understands how
It is important to understand the whole picture, not just the details.

"The essential lesson that I have taken for myself is that you have to understand any process from A to Z.
For example, in a company, the product moves from the production line to the customer, which includes accounting,
finance, marketing, design, product development, sales and many others. So, you have to understand how everyone
the departments interact with each other, what is the process of connecting them, "he says.

A. Rastenis also believes that mentoring is a great opportunity to know someone who can inspire you.
and motivate.

"I had confidence in myself, I learned more about networking, I realized that you should not give up even on
immediately before entering the area where you want to work. You must get the maximum of each activity if you wish
progress along, "says GIFTed Talents about their collaboration with the mentor
Academician of the second year of the program Eimantas Butkus

Meanwhile, freshman GIFTed Talent Academy of Management of Industrial Technology Žygintas
The snake remembers the mentor's advice on the importance of paying the comfort zone and exploiting each one of them.
a chance.

"That gave me more confidence and motivation in my career path." I also learned how to succeed
the principles of leadership that I will use in my future work, "he says.
Mutual benefit
However, the benefit of the mentoring program is not only for the students, but also for the mentors themselves. "Be honest
exchanges ", – says A. Šapola.

According to UAB" Kesko Senukai Lithuania "general manager, as a mentor, he had a
the opportunity to hear the wishes of the younger generation, become familiar with their attitude to the ongoing processes, their understanding.
"This is extremely valuable because you have to prepare your platform for the next generation, which is different.
understand that it's about your potential client or potential employee, "says Šapola.

According to him, the mentoring program sees a completely different side: how young people think, what they draw
pay attention to what matters to him, how it works, advice and so on. "Every conversation, every communication

Also, during mentorship, mentors often find themselves extremely hard-working, proactive in their careers, and have not yet studied.

"For us, as a business, communicating with students is a particularly good opportunity to observe and select a great one.
Potential Future Professionals ", says UAB Ikea Purchasing Services Managing Director
S. Armani.

He is happy that with the various experiences he can share it with the students, and perhaps also inspire them
and help find their way in a fast-changing world.

The mentor of the KTU-guided mentorship program, A. Šapola, believes that the experience of mentoring is relevant to both themselves.
In the case of self-help mentors

"The mentor learns to educate and share his experiences and advice to others, share his vision and
Suggestions Most often, being a top manager does not have the time to interact with such young people
you do not have this opportunity at all, "he says

Partnership not only during mentorship

A. Shapola says that with A. Rastenis, many discussions on the first one were discussed during the mentorship program
steps in the job market, on what a potential young employee expects from employers, how and what to talk about
during the work interview, where accents should be put together, as well as the opportunities and desires of the student.
"Arvydas helped me understand the steps to take to get a job in a big job.
The company is one of the most sought after employers in Forbes. I have already achieved the goal in the business
I've got a place of practice, "says student A. Rastenis.

According to Ž. Narkaus, from the mentoring program, he initially hoped to acquire "soft" skills (for example, work
team, leadership) and get to know the success of a successful person, but got a lot more.
"All these expectations have come true: I have new knowledge right now and I have the opportunity to join me.
career mentoring companies, t. y UAB Ikea Purchasing Services, "explains Ž. Marks

An equally motivated man, S. Armani, says that by joining IKEA, a student will have the opportunity
become familiar with the company's activities, further develop self-confidence and perhaps even more precisely
Future Career Opportunities

Meanwhile, the second course, E. Butkus, communicates with his mentor, games and virtual and completed
Ene Čiuoderiene, Business Development Manager at SneakyBox, a real-world solutions development studio, also acquired a

"Now I am more fully aware of the creative process, the atmosphere of the company and its management .I have also had the opportunity
become familiar with several projects. Our communication helped create a clearer career path and made a solid stand
the road to the pursuit of this vision ", – estimates E. Butkus.

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