Callcredit changes brands and becomes TransUnion


The mark and its name were changed in stages to introduce it consistently and gradually in the press report of the company.

At the beginning of the brand change, the company would call TransUnion, formerly Callcredit (TransUnion, formerly Callcredit ") which name will then be changed to TransUnion later this year. Integration into a single brand is part of a common strategy to consolidate established companies as leading companies in the badysis of consumer data and technological solutions in the international market.

  Callcredit Exchange of brand and becomes TransUnion

© Company Archives

David Neenan, TransUnion's Deputy General Manager for International Business, added, "Connecting Callcredit to TransUnion will enable us to increase our competitive edge and to offer more services and expertise to our customers and consumers in the UK and elsewhere. "

" The merger process has just begun, but main we can say that the model, the values ​​and the objectives of Callcredit and TransUnion are identical. TransUnion evaluates Callcredit's talents with the expertise and expertise needed to continue growing. At the end of last year, we signed a contract for additional premises in Kaunas. We continue to work on a TransUnion joint venture, "said Marija Vaičiulytė-Balčė, former chief of staff at Callcredit, Marius Vaičiulytė-Balčė, formerly TransUnion

TransUnion, a former Kaunas Callcredit unit, is responsible for software development and databases. testing, project management, IT support, people identification and fraud prevention, data badysis, electronic marketing services and customer service.

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