Drivers always sting: fuel costs faster than possible


May-June, when the price of Brent crude oil fell to a record low of nearly $ 80 a barrel, it seems that drivers do not feel so bad. On the contrary, as soon as the price of crude oil began to rise, drivers had to get angry – in some petrol stations oil prices were getting closer to the mark of 1.4 euros.

The overproduction of gasoline

it is necessary to pay on the place of residence – the fuel in Vilnius is the most expensive. For example, the Stateta, one of the most popular A95 petrol brands in Marijampolė, on July 8, is the public petrol station operated by Lietuvos kapitalas. costs € 1.17. Compared to Vilnius, 1 l of these fuels left the same gas station for 1,259 euros, almost 10 cents more than in Marijampolė. Vidas Šukys, executive director of the Lithuanian Petroleum Union (LDS), did not think that the inhabitants of Vilnius were obliged to pay the fuel …

"I would not say that overpaying Vilnius or cheaper, it's Kaunas, but in Kaznauskas. It all depends on the location: that there is a good turnover or that it manages to make the customers collapse, the gas stations have to be serviced – if they are chosen by regular customers, so simply raise the price.

Jolita Adomkienė, Project Manager for Media Relations at Circle K Gas Station, says that fuel price differences come not only from the wholesale price of fuel, but also from the price of fuel. intensity of consumption.

"Differences in fuel prices between cities are also due to transportation costs which, of course, increase the distance between the main fuel base and the final point of sale. Wholesale of petroleum products, sales of fuels are in US dollars and the dollar reached its highest level in June 2018 ", said D.Adomkienė

" Different tax rates (excise duty, tax on the value added) Unlike the competitive environment, the amount of fuel used in biographical data, even the volume of loyalty shares are different, so the price change may not fully reflect the local realities. "

The service stations must be maintained. Impressive competition

Drivers note that fuel prices at Lithuanian service stations are sometimes even ten tenths of a penny lower than those at major service stations, but there are often fears that the price of fuel will be reduced to the detriment of their fuel prices. quality. lower prices for Lithuanian gasoline stations are used to reduce fuel consumption »It all depends on how much you can afford to spend for how much your employees pay, how much you can put aside your stocks and how much you can spend for other costs. If you want to make up for that, you have to sell coffee, breadcrumbs. Why at night hardly anyone works or automates? Because night work requires double payment, everyone started to destroy that thing. Workers were most affected because they were fired. We have to pay the wages and keep everything at the expense of our profits, the owners are still trying to survive, but it's really not very good, "said V.Šukys.

The general manager of LDS has also attracted attention in the highly distorted market We are probably the only country with discount cards, starting with shopping malls to finish … Well, unless there's There are no discount cards for toilets. "

Zygmunt Maurice, Chief Economist, Luminor Bank Gas stations target more competitors than customers.

"The weaker competitors follow the big ones, so if a big player does not reduce the price by increasing the oil or increasing it, then the others will go down because no one wants to lose any margin. The more the price of oil changes, the more the Lithuanian consumer pays fuel than the countries where the competition is greater, because any change allows us to earn more, "said an economist.

Getting faster

Lithuanian drivers often V.Šukys said that although there has been a debate on possible cartel agreements in the past, but many aspects are determined by the market

"Although some The members of the Seimas have already expressed the position that not everything is good on this market, something may coincide with something, but the world is much simpler. Everything is composed of demand and supply. The prices in Jurbark are really high. But in Kaunas, in some places, prices are lower. Therefore, marketing depends on many aspects – how many have petrol stations, regular customers. The economist Maurice acknowledged that this problem really exists, and the smaller the country, the more one feels it: "This trend is unfortunately worldwide," he said. . When the price of crude oil increases, the price of fuel increases faster than afterwards. And in countries as small as Lithuania, where the market is rather small, the asymmetry is even greater. We can expect fuel prices to rise, not a big surprise and a smaller decline, so you will have to get used to the prices of diesel and gas that far exceed the euro. "

To maintain a more flexible market and more competition, the state should focus more on supporting small local businesses."

"We know a lot of examples in countries around the world where such small individuals are exterminated in various political and economic ways, then other oligopolistic market players take this market and there is no competition – in this case the price will be as they say, "feared V .Shukys.

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