The brakes are such an important automotive system that they have to be checked even if the machine is not completely badembled. One of the tests is done during the badembly process by placing the car on a special test bench and increasing its engine speed. Then the brakes are activated. Yes, by the way, not only the brakes but also other components of the chbadis are checked – during braking, the car must remain stable, keeping the wheel in the correct position. This is a standard test in this industry, but it seems that the Tesla manual for Model 3 in its production lines does not work on June 26th.
Tesla representatives say the brakes are still being tested. And there is no reason to doubt that this test is just one of the many ways that car brakes are controlled. Until now, we do not know why he was abandoned. On the one hand, omitting this test would save time (thus speeding up production). But, on the other hand, the potential benefits for production volumes would be quite small. Unauthorized sources at the factory Tesla Thisisinsider.com said that the decision was made by Alon Musko himself, but the company's officials did not want to confirm this information
The omission of this test risk of causing security problems? Previously, it was announced that Model 3 has an extremely long run, but this problem has been solved by software updates.
However, it is unlikely that the failure of this test will affect the final performance of the brake. However, it is still necessary and is carried out in almost all car factories. Regardless of the quality of a production line, the probability that everything is perfectly suited to the first attempt is small. So, stopping the car can change the direction of travel or just wear tires on one side faster.
It is true that brakes and chbadis combinations are checked more than once. Each new model 3 has yet to roll on the test track – this test also tests the brakes and chbadis, as well as unwanted noise in the cab, and many other factors. But then it's a lot harder to fix the problems. Experts say that dropping this standard test greatly increases the likelihood of a quality problem.
What happened? It may be that the minutes have already been taken to increase the production speed of Model 3. It may be that there is something very commonplace and that will simply be replaced by test equipment – now we are not going anywhere We will hear no answers.
However, the likely and much more optimistic scenario is that the Tesla factory has found the same results. 19659008] (function () {
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