Experience: Is it possible to get ready for the holidays in less than half an hour?


As a general rule, that day we are supposed to be supplemented by the abundance of work that we must accomplish before the holidays: the transfer of work, the wish to say goodbye to friends before the trip, etc. . So what to do? The answer is not simple: turn on the smartphone.

"We have recently tested with our colleagues: is it possible to prepare your holidays without wasting too much time and not let you skid with a smartphone?" We had more fun with the test, but its results were pleasantly surprised: if you know how to start and use your phone to plan your holiday intelligently, it is possible to solve the biggest holiday problems in less than half an hour. "Explains Egidijus Adomkaitis and Bitė Profas. the five steps that will help you plan your vacation in half an hour without having to leave your smartphone

First step: put everything in the same place (5 minutes)

"When we start preparing for our holidays, the first shutdown on the TripIt smartphone (iOS, Android) gadget. In this gadget, we can accommodate all your travel tickets, hotel bookings, travel agency confirmation letters, bans, rental car rentals, and more. With this gadget, everything will be together and it will no longer be necessary now or later to spend valuable vacation time to find the necessary documents in the form of electronic mailboxes or travel bags, "advises Bite Profas

. The place to go (about 10 minutes)

Today, according to Bite Profo, the smart phone not only helps to meet people, but also cities or countries: "We all know Tinder, but we are all Have you heard of its equivalent in terms of travel? It's the "Blink" app (iOS, Android). For example: we plan to go to Paris for vacation, but we do not know where to start? Almost two or two times: we introduce the name of the Paris applet and it begins to offer a number of tourist attractions, restaurants and entertainment. Just move your finger to the left or to the right and schedule your appointments Simple and effective in terms of time. "

The third step: visualize each day of the party (5 minutes) [19659007] E. According to Adamkis, before every holiday we take everything, it is very important to have at least one preliminary daily plan, but it is important that it be as attractive as possible.

"The Trip Plans (iOS) Android) Here we can detail and visualize each day of travel.And even if it may seem like a daunting task, gadget management is very simple: every day of vacation has a lot of fun. a table that we adjust according to our needs – adding hours, hotels, attractions .. When it comes to everything, we see every day of the trip with images and icons, so it's easier to make up for what is waiting for us every day of vacation. "

Fourth step: get a phone (2 minutes)

to become a travel insurance. And especially when we remember him only a few days before departure. But here's the smartphone: with a private customer, for example, a Bite customer, and with a monthly fee, just activate the online travel insurance service and it will last forever, "says Bite Profas .

Step Five: Killing According to E. Adomkaitis, the last step is to prepare a list of items that will go to the travel bags or backpacks: "The CheckerPack gadget (iOS, Android) is designed to help you to plan, what items should be taken on the trip, here are many tips you need when traveling to different parts of the world, and when you use the gadget often, it will remind us of what we would have forgotten this time, but we have participated in the planning of your past vacation. "

With these gadgets, questions arise, or if you plan a specific trip, you can always contact Bite Profes, who will always help you and advise you on how to make your holidays on the smartphone.

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