From October, electricity and gas will be provided to the population by a business enterprise


Lietuvos Energija announced that the electricity supply company will be separated from the Energy Distribution Operator (ESO) group and transferred to LDT, which currently supplies gas to residents and businesses

It is expected that from October this company, which will cover the supply of electricity and gas to the population, will call "Lietuvos energija".

"We will ensure that this change is less sensitive to customers – they will not have to worry, no action will be needed.Only the name of the company providing the Electricity and gas will change and payment data will be automatically updated at collection points Customers will continue to be serviced by the "Gilė" customer service center, customers will receive the same services, pay for the service 39 energy consumed by the self-service system of ", said Vidmantas Salietis, commercial director of Lietuvos energija


On August 6, the ESO shareholders' meeting intends to approve new bylaws of the company, in which the public supply business will only be not considered the object of his activity.

The ESO Board of Directors also decided Tuesday to submit a request to the Price Commission announcing the lifting of the public electricity supply license from 1 October.

After the separation, the ESO will continue to split electricity and gas and maintain distribution networks, to support network troubleshooting and to connect new customers.

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