Growth of Groa Group SPO, the EBRD can emerge among investors


Investors leaving the EU were not able to get acquainted with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the eco-holding Auga Group, which was participating in the campaign, has received authorization from the Bank of Lithuania to suspend the process until 17 August. The prayer for the OPS, whose last day is today, was happy. The reason why holiday investors have not come to know the essential information on the last day of the show.

Yesterday, Monday, the company agreed with the EBRD on the possible acquisition of a new issue of shares. It is estimated that the EBRD may purchase more than 3% of the company's shares. However, the institution is committed to following certain recommendations and requirements of the EIB in environmental, social and governance matters, while Kstutis Juius, Chairman of the Board of Auga Group, agrees to vote on the EBRD-appointed EBRD Supervisory Board. the commitments will only be valid if the EBRD is a significant shareholder. Despite the agreement reached, the EBRD has not committed to publishing any information on the last day of the distribution on the last trading day.

The Auga Group will attempt to close the process and to contact the Bank of Lithuania.

We have spoken with many investors in Europe and beyond, as part of our business and the presentation of a market to investors. Obviously, many investors in Europe are currently on vacation, so it is not appropriate to share information about the event. In my opinion, termination is the only reasonable step that should be taken to ensure that all investors have the same opportunity to evaluate the information that they publish, quoted at p. . Juice.

When purchasing by SPO Group Auga 40 million liters of fuel for 0.450.5 EUR. new ileid and 40 million Eur p. The shares of Baltic Field Group, the largest shareholder of the factory,

The share price and profit margin ratio P / E in the middle of the range of about 18, EV / EBITDA of 10 According to the company, the company estimates 84,393.7 million. Eur, while the value of SPO would be 40 mln. Eur.

Rayy's commentary

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