In Shanghai, Tesla builds an electric vehicle factory


Despite rising tensions between the world's two largest economies due to the US electromobile trade, Tesla will build its first manufacturing and badembly plant in Shanghai, the largest commercial city in China

. 3 ", who will research electric vehicles, build electric cars and operate a large sales center, Elin Musk, founder and CEO of Tesla, said the new Shanghai complex would be the first Gigafactory factory built outside the city. United States, according to Elena Musk, founder and CEO of Tesla.He said that he wanted to make it the most advanced electric vehicle plant in the country.

Tesla model should improve its competitiveness and reduce its costs, but for the moment, the main problem is how it will stabilize.was only $ 2.7 billion in cash.

The answer to this question probably comes from the Shanghai Municipality. " The Shanghai Municipal Administration will fully support the construction of the Tesla factory and will strive to create a better business environment and provide better services to various in businesses, including Tesla, "said Shanghai Mayor Inga Jong

as the sole owner of a green car factory, will become the first foreign company in China to own a factory. In the past, foreign carmakers could only penetrate the largest automotive market in the world by creating joint ventures with local firms and the foreign ownership share could be less than 50%.

Tesla reported with one eye China and the United States another $ 34 billion worth of goods imported for customs duties. It is reported that the short-term administration intends to introduce import duties for 200 billion dollars of additional Chinese goods. Of course, this will further fuel the trade war.

Last year, Tesla's business figure in China exceeded the $ 2 billion limit. Compared to 2016 It has increased by 90 percent and has become the largest foreign market for the company.

It coincided that yesterday was the year of birth of the 162nd year of Nikolai Tesla, a famous engineer and physicist. His activities inspired him to found this company.

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