In the first quarter of 2018, house prices in Lithuania increased by 2.4 percent, and even more per year


Compared with 2017 In the first quarter of this year, house prices in the euro area and across the EU increased by 0.6% and 0.7% respectively [19659002] in 2018. In the first quarter, house prices in Lithuania increased by 2.4% and 7.8% annually

According to available data, in 2018, In the first quarter, compared with the same quarter of last year, real estate prices increased the most in Latvia (13.7%), Slovenia (13.4%), Ireland (12.3%) and Portugal (12%). , 2%). while housing prices in Sweden and Italy fell by 0.4%. and Finland – decreased by 0.1 percent.

Compared with 2017, In the first quarter of this year, house prices rose sharply in Latvia (7.5%), Hungary and Slovenia (4.4%), as well as in Portugal (3.7%) in the fourth quarter. During this comparative period, housing prices fell mainly in Malta (4.7%), Cyprus (1.8%) and Sweden (0.8%).

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