Instead of the bank's headquarters – a collaborative space, a restaurant and a clothing store


"For many years, the idea has sprung up that offices and commercial premises have come from downtown, gradually giving way to cafes, restaurants and souvenir shops.It is a very superficial approach – The city center was and is an ideal place for various activities.In fact, what is happening today is a particular reversal to history, when the first high buildings were badigned to the shops and in the cafes, and on the upper floors there were offices of their owners and living quarters.Of course, this model works differently today, but the basic principle has survived, and this is reflected in the concept of the building on the Great Street, "said Domas Jagmin CEO

the return of business in the old city.because of the growing popularity of collaborative spaces and micro-offices.This is a trend world q It had an impact on the Lithuanian market. By the way, about 70% in Vilnius and Kaunas, the newly developed or planned business centers intend to have some form of cooperation spaces.

The catalyst for this trend is the popularity of starters. The dynamics of this type of business dictates their desire to create an office for a relatively short period of time and to work with similar companies. According to data from the start-up Vilnius Association, there are currently 268 participants in Vilnius.

According to Workland, the global market for collaborative space increases by 16%. per year, and from 2016 about 77%. offices of this type are created in the city center. Trends are driven by a rapidly growing community of starters, freelancers and small businesses looking for flexible and comfortable workplaces. It is expected that the collaborative space on the Main Street will also become a modern venue for the growth of new businesses and the exchange of ideas.

"All the former headquarters offices were rented after the decision to move in just 6 months. We badyzed three different scenarios including the hotel and renting the entire building for offices or supermarkets, but the concept of "sales space plus offices" turned out to be the optimal solution. According to D. Jagminas,

the modern Lithuanian food and wine restaurant will occupy 210 square meters, the high fashion store will be located in the center of the city and will enjoy the main advantages of the city center: location, prestige and flow of people. 290 square meters in the corner of the first floor, and the second and third floors (total – 1260 m²) will occupy a collaborative space.

The owner of the building is UAB Nordija. Solid Real Advisors developed the lease concept and implemented a tenant search project.

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