Investors: optimism is hampered by lack of political stability, the supply of land and office happy | Business


Investors & Investors Forum & # 39; Forum, according to a survey of the Lithuanian investor confidence index, in the second quarter of this year, the general indicator of confidence fell slightly to 1,225 points out of 2 possible. However, according to a press release, the index of investor confidence remains relatively high and fluctuates slightly since the end of 2017.

A growing number of representatives of foreign capital companies operating in Lithuania is the main lever of country to invest in real estate. What's currently high is my 64 percent. investors. Nearly half, 45% of entrepreneurs surveyed expect that the availability of appropriate land and premises for business in the country will improve. Compared with the first quarter, investors who scored so well increased by 17 percentage points over the three months. According to the study, the most important challenges for investors are the lack of political stability and the gap between labor costs and productivity. 44 percent Respondents believe that the political environment in the country will deteriorate in the near future, about 42%. Predicts an increase in the gap between labor costs and productivity.

Nevertheless, the internal business plans remain ambitious and favorable to employees. Half, that is, 51 percent of respondents plan to increase the number of employees and the remaining 49 percent. respondents plan to maintain the current number of employees. More than two thirds, or 59%, forced investors to raise their salaries.

"The Lithuanian survey on the index of investor confidence also reveals positive developments.For example, in the last quarter, the number of those who think that labor taxation is one the most pressing problems have diminished, and this has been influenced by the changes in the tax system adopted by the Seimas ", comments Rūta Skyrienė, is carried out by the Association" Investors Forum. "The thirteenth LIPI study was conducted in 2018. April-May, during which 59 representatives of foreign capital companies operating in Lithuania were interviewed.

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