Last 5 gadgets to test this month


  5 latest gadgets to test this month


Do you know the feeling when you discover the smartphone gadget good, unusual or useful too late? Or, when you finally tried it and all the friends braided their hand: "Oh, I've been using it for a year!" But it is very difficult to avoid – hundreds of new gadgets appear every day and you can use them immediately or you risk then expecting to inadvertently discover friends or acquaintances. So, Enjoy Dice worked on black work – reviewed hundreds of new gadgets – and shares five of them, which should be uploaded in July if you want to keep pace with the innovations.

"I often see friends and colleagues raise eyebrows when they use one or the other newer gadget to use them." And the frantic brows usually cover two questions: "What's up? Is it through the apple? "And" Why do not I know? "Openly, that's a good question. I always try new gadgets, because of the Constant impact of new appearances on iOS and Android smartphones for digital shops, to cross the eyes of different foreign portals and follow some of the creators of favorite gadgets.But how about some really good new gadgets to find out who Do not have the time or the habit of following all the foreign stores and portals One way is to continue reading this text, says Karolis Špiliauskas, "Bite Profas" and shares the last five gadgets that are worth worth to be tried.

Platform for A ndroid:

Price: free

Download: Here

"Of course, we often talk about that no car can be used on the phone while driving, but the temptation to write a message quickly or to answer an important call remains. But here is the new Driving Detective gadget that downloads everything that will change. How are you? As soon as you enter the car and start driving, the gadget feels it and automatically turns off the ringing of your phone or activate the "Do not disturb" mode. And when you get out of the car – the gadget itself will feel that you are already going and will automatically restore the phone settings. Until now, it is possible to save this gadget – or secretly save it to your friends and loved ones – all owners of Android phones, but hope that something similar will appear on them. iOS phones too, "says Bite Profas. Monthly News

Platform: IGTV

Platform: All

Price: Free

Download: Here (iOS) and Here (Android)

According to Bite Profo, the most recent news of this month is a new surprise in the new version of the popular Instagram social networking video format and duration: "Instagram users can finally watch a vertical video , that is, in a format adapted to long-range smartphone screens. So now, your favorite and content creation followers can be seen without moving the phone and the full length! In addition, these videos are no longer subject to the limit of one minute, so you expect both more visible and longer content. Although this innovation is automatically integrated into soc. Instagram, it can also be downloaded with a separate gadget. "

3. Monthly Hobbies Gadget

Gadget: StoryZ Photo Motion

Platform: iOS

Price: free

Download: here

According to Sppilicus,

"Do you see that you have not had an impressive photo on the social network, and that it is an irresistible feeling to surprise your friends and acquaintances in the past ? "Then download the StoryZ gadget that gives you all the life of your photos, for example, if you have a photo you are very busy with, the gadget will allow you to make waves or flashing lights and swirling smoke if you know your friends during the summer concert.It's interesting, this gadget can be used by beginners and those who have already experienced photo editing. "


"Super Rainbow"

Program: iOS

Download: Here

"We generally recommend free gadgets, but we are of the opinion that if the gadget is very useful or exclusive this is fun – we can recommend one.This month, our best paid gadget title has earned you a superb gadget that allows you to use a variety of 3D graphics, to both in your pre-recorded video and in live video.This gadget cleverly exploits the extra reality to allow you to use awesome effects on your videos, so when you get a Super Rainbow Brush, you'll be surprised by your friends or knowledge and you will get the question "How did you do it?"

5. The Game of the Month

The Apple: "I'm Ping Pong King :)"

Plate shape: all

Price: free

Download: ic i (iOS "And here [Android]

According to K. Špiliauskas, it is sometimes very difficult to find a game on smartphone that will please everyone, but we can always find surprises:" I would not have not thought about table tennis, it's also fun to play on the smartphone, but I'm Ping Pong King 🙂 it's a complete proof. The strengths of the game are its minimalist but very attractive design and the game itself: the game is very easy to start, but it complicates intelligently and adapts to the skills of the player. And, by the way, the game is perfectly balanced in the summer: what's better than a game of ping-pong waiting for a long line in the store before the weekend or lazy in the shade in the nature

Finally, according to K. Špiliauskas, if you want to know what gadgets or games

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