Merger of two ATMs – DELFI Business


After the merger of two ATMs, the Competition Council applied the merger control procedure on its own initiative, suspecting that the merger may have created or strengthened a dominant position or severely restricted competition in the market. of ticket distribution in Lithuania. January 18 After badessing the circumstances of the transaction, the Competition Council stated that the merger did not create or strengthen a dominant position or significant restriction of competition in the relevant markets.

The companies managed by Baltic Ticket Holdings provide ticketing services in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Belarus. Until the implementation of the concentration, Estonian society in Lithuania operated through the company "Bilietų pasaulis". The latter is currently not in service

"National Ticket Distributor", as well as before the implementation of the transaction, provides ticketing services in Lithuania.

From January 1 of this year, from the entry into force of the amendments to the Competition Act, it is mandatory to inform the Conseil de la concurrence of the proposed concentration and of the competition. obtain an authorization if the aggregate gross income of the companies participating in the concentration is greater than 20 million before the concentration of a financial year. Eur and whether each of the two or more of the companies participating in the concentration has a gross income above 2 million before the concentration in a given year. Eur.

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