More solar energy will be produced on one of the offices of the capital office


Large areas of solar energy production

"The evaluation motivates the development of business ideas based on the production of clean energy and the use of sources of energy.

The office for us is not just a wall, but a good place to be, to create, to interact, to include in the concept of our communion also the things that concern the whole world community: the world The head of "Technopolis Lietuva" Lina Maskoliūnė says.

  The solar power plants on the roof of Technopol

The solar power plants on the roof of Technopol

© Photo by organization

.] The Greenbuild Europe Leadership 2018 Award, awarded by Green Building Council USGBC, Greenburg, Greenbuild, the largest green building platform in the world, has been recognized by Technopolis as one of the leading green buildings of movement According to L. Maskoliūnė, there is an obligation to extend the areas of solar energy production

Last year, the Technopolis group consumed 209.854 MWh of energy, or even 53%. they were made from renewable sources. The share of solar energy used by this company to produce solar energy rose to 129 MWh last year, twice as much as in 2016. [19659010] Sun is employed in Tallinn, Tampere and Vilnius

Technopolis currently has three country campus solar panels. The first such plan was built in Tallinn in 2015. In 2017, the installed 82.5 kW solar plant produced 35.5 MWh of electricity. The third largest power plant in Tampere, Finland, generated 36.2 MWh of electricity last year

Two years ago, a power plant with a power of 70 kW was located at Technopolio, one of the largest in the country. Last year, the power station generated 56.9 MWh

This year, a smaller 31kW power plant was installed on the "Penta" office building, which ensures the power of the plant. arrival of some of the desktops or light in the meeting rooms. of sunlight. Recently, two other Technopolis office buildings in Vilnius – Alfa and Gama – the roofs were covered with solar modules, they will start to produce green electricity in the near future.

  Solar Power Plants on Technopol's Roof

] © Photo of the Organization

Currently, Technopolis is implementing a 1.1 MW solar system project in the city of Oulu, in Bothnia Bay, with solar modules installed in seven separate buildings.

"According to the project proposed by Modus Energy, we did not even need any investment.We are currently buying from our own modules a market for electricity. from fully renewable sources, while in the Penta building, we also have two charging stations for electric vehicles, "explains Maskoliūnė L.

Brigita Mačiulytė, head of the development department, receives more and more 39 green energy of the sun for businesses, both for ecological reasons and for the opportunity to save and reduce the cost of energy resources.For businesses, depending on the potential use of the Roof space, solar energy can be produced up to 100%.

"It is also important to pay attention to the fact that solar energy in our modules is produced no only at the singers, but on sunny days it has enough daylight, "says B. Mačiulytė.

The company bears the LEED label

According to Modus Energy, solar recruitment helps to reduce pollution. The traditional energy sector mainly uses fossil fuels for the production of electricity and heat, while solar energy generates energy without CO2 emissions.

  Solar Power Plants on Technopol's Roof

© Photo by organization

Solar energy is part of Sustainable Business Technopolis. The other direction is the overall goal of the entire business group – LEED (19459010) Energy Leadership and Environmental Design ) certificate for our group buildings. This certificate is awarded after the badessment of buildings according to various environmental and sustainable environmental indicators. In May, this certificate was awarded to the Penta Building in Vilnius, "said Maskoliūnė.

By the end of 2017, Technopolis Group owned 25 LEED certified buildings on all of its markets

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