Morrisons UK Stores – Special "Hours of Silence" for Autistic Buyers


Published: 2018-07-21 18:31


Morrison Store in London Photo by Reuters / Scanpix.

Morrisons, UK, has announced a special "silent hour" for clients with autism.

These "hours of silence," during which 493 Morrisons stores will turn off the music and turn off the lights, will be the focus of a Saturday.

The Morrisons Campaign is conducted in collaboration with the British National Autistic Society

The Morrisons Campaign is held in collaboration with the British National Autistic Society. The initiative has already been tested in several supermarket chains this year.

"In the United Kingdom, 700,000 people suffer from autism, they see the world, hear and feel differently from healthy people, often much more intense, so shopping can be a worrying experience for them." says Tomas Purser, spokesperson for the National Autistic Society

. to really help the lives of autistic people and their loved ones.

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