Need to go to the bank – take some free time: queues, heat and overworked employees


Bank branches declined dramatically over the course of eight years – if in 2010, At the end of the year there were 711, in the first quarter of 2018, there were 261 bank branches operating in Lithuania.

It is true, it is worth noting that in 2010, the so-called snoras were still in business, with 256 in the country, but since 2011, the number of bank branches has halved since the end of 2011, from 431 units at the end of 2011 to the 261 above-mentioned departments this year.


The number of bank branches dissolved in his fur was made by Laurynas.

"For the first time I came to the bank before the holidays – a long weekend (State Day) .To the end of the work of the bank, this may have -was possible for an hour and a half, but when I saw how many people were waiting, the employees immediately asked me if I would be able to accept it. I immediately responded : No chance.

The next time I came back after the holidays, I went to work earlier, Deuteronomy 3:41 pm and I immediately asked how long it would take. about an hour, so I walked into the shops.After all, I was served after 1 hour.47 minutes ", – talked about Swedbank's queues.

Laurynas badures us that things will be solved online, y Moreover, as he had money on his account, he wanted to transfer them to another bank account.

"I had a woman who was serving me and we were hugging each other and how to do it, they (the bank's employees – DELFI), continued to work overtime. He said that he had to stay at half an hour, an hour after work, every day. I asked why this was the answer to me, that only two subdivisions Swedbank in Vilnius could do cash services.

When I left, it was already the end of the bank's work, but about 30 people were not served. Very bad situation, abnormal. Someone who has a banking system is not good because it takes almost two hours, it is not understandable, and workers must stay after work. The last time you got there, "joked Laurynas

The situation in the banks reminds us of the holiday demand

Eglė, who lives in Vilnius, also encountered She has not been able to log in to her e – mail address for nearly a month.Bank and access to money.

"I use SEB bank. I had a Smart-ID on my phone, but after the wedding, I changed my name and I did not have any documents yet, and I did a pbadport for a month . As soon as my Smart-ID ceased to exist, without it, I could not connect to the banking system with a code card. I called the bank to request that I could connect with the code card, but she replied that it was not possible because Smart-ID is the highest level of security and can not be lowered –



© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

I said I had to take a generator, but to take it, of course, I had to go at the bank. I came to the section across the south and saw the reality – millions of people.

I missed an hour and I was not going to wait any longer, so the next time I arranged with my manager, I arrived at the agreed time and I was there. I took the generator, I did not have to go to the supermarket because the closing was near the house. . However, few people know of such a possibility, "she says.

This is not the only case encountered by women. These days, Eglė has also been informed of the production and withdrawal of women. A new credit card, the old one having expired.As the bank branch was no longer close to home or work, she was informed that she should remove the card outside his residential area

"I live in Justiniškės and I will have to get the cards from Fabijoniškės, and the fact that I will have to hit another area where I find it rather uncomfortable, I know I'll be the same – I'll come and I'll be busy.

There are still services that ask the bank for units that work almost exclusively during office hours, what should I to do, take free days at work to manage banking business? C & # 3 9, is a total nonsense, "she was angry.

A new client met with open hands and did not receive any waiting line

Eugenius Wave was surprised by a completely different case. When I arrived at Swedbank headquarters, he was received immediately, although the room was full.

"I went to Swedbank to open an account because 10 years ago I was insured in Lietuvos draudimas. Swedbank "” width=”580″/>

I went to the bank, I clicked the" Open "button and I started opening the bank account, I wanted to open an account with Swedbank

  I have to go to the bank - take my free time: queues, heat and overworked employees

account ", and after a second, I look at my number in the box and go to the window. There were still forty people in the room, while everyone looked at me with puffy eyes, I felt like a VIP customer ", – recalls the man

because his account was only necessary To transfer his money to his account, they closed it.

"When I caught up with things, I went to close my account so that I did not count the administration fees for handle it. Having come to the main unit of Konstitucijos pr. and after seeing how many people are, I decided to hide it – and again, I clicked the "Open Account" button. But when I got to the window, I was not so well received by me, he said: do not think you would have that meaning here, and sent him waiting in a row.

Because it was very long – I did not wait. The next day I went to Panorama, there were a lot of people, there was not much time until the end of the work, so I started to sew it and make it faster. Although I was still waiting almost an hour, "recalls Eugene,

he finds that this situation has been very amusing to him, because when a new client comes up, he opens his hands and the others wait in the waiting line

the bank's customer seems to have already been involved, hang on, and therefore keep you in a common queue, "said Eugene .


Saulius Abraškevičius, spokesman for Swedbank, commented on Eugene's situation, recognizing that new customers could be served more quickly, as they were receiving a separate tour. 19659002] "This selection button was created because of the hardening of the legal requirements for financial institutions and the principle of" Know Your Customer ", the procedure of opening an account has become much more complicated. part of the staff skills is designed specifically for this process and their work is focused solely on opening new accounts in accordance with laws and legal requirements, "he said.



© DELFI / Kiril Čachovskij

"In recent years, the operation of bank branches in big cities has been optimized. This means that smaller units have been merged to bring together the best counseling skills in strategic units.

In small towns, we try to reduce the availability of a physical bank, but in one way or another, we change the nature of the work – we invite you more and more More to register with a bank advisor. This year, two units were commissioned – one in Vilaitė district in Vilnius and another in Klaipėda. In addition, in Kaunas, we brought together three divisions and opened a brand new division in the "Arka" business center at King Mindaugas Avenue. "

According to S. Abraškevičius, the optimization of the network of divisions is related to the development of electronic solutions growing

" For example, if the previous residents of payment orders went to the bank branch, then to At present, the absolute majority is 99%. payments are made using the Internet or mobile banking. As a result, banking becomes simpler, most of them can be done independently and the involvement of a bank employee is useless. In any case, before each decision, we badyze and evaluate the situation in this particular city – customer flows, the need for banking and other services.

For customers, we advise them to contact our bank counseling center at tel. 1884. As our experience shows, many problems can be solved remotely. If this fails, the colleagues in the consultation center will register the client for a meeting at the bank branch and thus avoid waiting in the waiting line ", – he said

after having Reminded customers that they were outraged.Public survey data that more than 70% .Bank residents are expected to perform daily services that can be performed without leaving home – Internet bank or smart applet Swedbank.

"Seeing this trend, we have actively invited our customers to Digi consultations, where customers of the Internet Bank, Swedbank Gadgets and Login Tools Smart ID Functionality

We answer questions and share tips Useful tips on how to handle your daily financial problems in a convenient, fast and smart way. We find that it is the middle-aged clients and the youth who are the most active in these consultations. Of course, a large part of the customer is made up of older customers. Interestingly, in small towns we provide up to 40%. All consultations on electronic banking solutions.

We believe that this banking service, which has already taken more than 14,000 in a few months.

SEB Bank has 32 branches in the country in sufficient number

Member of the Board of Directors of SEB Bank, Head of Retail Banking Department Vaidas Žagūnis also marked the 39 evolution of its clientele.

"The use of self-service banking has become a routine, because then the resident no longer needs to adapt to the bank's office hours and when it's not in the office. he arrives in a common waiting line.

SEB banka's solutions make it possible to carry out cash transactions easily and quickly without interrupting the work of a bank employee – a cash dispenser can pay his money – this service is free for private customers and connected to the Internet bank – to transfer money, pay other day-to-day banking.In an e-way, our customers make 99%. "he says.



© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

There are currently only 32 SEB bank customer service units in Lithuania, but this seems to be an badet for the bank.

"The bank operates 24 hours a day in the electronic space, residents choose to manage their finances remotely.The bank, a mobile, more often accounts for the cards, contacts with the bank by phone, via the Internet banking system or the Skype program

More and more, the funds are collected in a non-bank branch, but also in the counters and we receive payment cards directly by mail

We are continually educating our customers and advise them to use self-service or remote convenient and simple channels, in our bank branches, we train customers faster and easier., – he commented.

At this time, Most of the 32 Sky Banks It operates as a financial advisory section where clients receive financial advice on mortgage, savings, investment and other questio ns, while daily banking is done in a self-service area 24 hours a day.

"We are currently evaluating that our network of customer service units is optimal and does not expect major reorganizations," he noted

Luminor: the number of departments may continue to decline

in 2008 DNB and Nordea have with 103 customer service departments all over Lithuania. Luminor currently has only 37 units.

Vaineta Barevičiūtė, Head of Luminor's Private Clients Department, said the banks of DNB and Nordea have closed their departments gradually, taking into account their strategy for this year.



© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

"We constantly monitor the habits of clients and look for services that are convenient and easy for them.For the moment, there are only a few services for which the customer must still go to the bank branch 99 per cent Daily services can be obtained via Internet Banking and other e-business Tools

50% Payment cards are delivered to customers by post , 76 thousand customers used a mobile bank, this year we introduced the opportunity to become a remote banking customer skype with the help of a call, a loan to consumption can also be obtained without a visit to the bank.

Our goal is that in the future, all banking services and consultations will be provided electronically and that the client no longer needs to go to the bank. At this time, we pay special attention to remote client consultation and service delivery. She added:

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