New generation batteries for electric cars promise thousands of kilometers per charge


But things can change. Scientists from the Norwegian Institute of Energy Technology say that they managed to solve this problem and they created a new substance called SilicisX ( SiliconX ).

Researchers describe the new substance as a "factor x" so long sought, and such a statement is not just a word that sounds. For many years, scientists around the world are trying to figure out how to stabilize the relatively weak silicon used as anode of batteries and accumulators, and through which electrical current enters these energy storage devices.

Particles expand up to 400% during battery charging, and when accumulated energy is used, the state of the silicon particles returns to normal. So, this kind of silicon behavior can lead to anodic damage.

Researchers at the Institute of Energy Technologies say that they were able to solve this problem because of the new silicon alloy. It is said that this alloy uses a carefully selected mixture of nanoparticles and unspecified material. They do not provide all the information for understandable reasons. The researchers performed laboratory tests and declared publicly that although it is necessary to look for a compromise between the design and capacity of a new battery, its steady state with an increasing number of charge cycles means that this battery The new anode is characterized by much better qualities than the silicon anode or degrading graphite anode quickly used in modern batteries.

If these results can be obtained outside the laboratory, we can finally achieve what the world is talking about. In one week, once the battery is charged, it can be used for thousands of kilometers. However, keeping in mind that scientists do not provide more detailed information about this technology and the new material (they probably do not want competitors to launch an idea, especially since patents of the new technology are ongoing.), which supports and encourages the work of the Norwegian Research Council, as well as cooperation with private partners and the introduction of SilicAX in the market, we can expect to a better understanding of the new discovery and its practical use in the near future. 19659008] (function () {
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