News of the new customs scheduled short did not go unnoticed to China


With news that the US is preparing to introduce new duties on imports from China, major US stock indexes fell on Wednesday.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has fallen 138.29 points since the beginning of the session. up to 24781.37 points.

Standard & Poor's 500 fell 13.84 points, or 0.5%, to 2,780,000 points. Nasdaq Composite – 40.49 points, or 0.53%, at 7718.25 points

US President Donald Tramp has ordered to start preparing an additional 10%. Imports of Chinese imports of 200 billion euros The value of dollars, taking a step closer to a trade war between the two nations

Beijing has taken countermeasures of the same magnitude with regard to US duties before taxes. However, Chinese imports from the United States are less than $ 200 billion. USD, so this time it will not succeed.

D. Shortly before, he said that he would be ready to set additional duties for almost all imports from China, whose total value currently stands at about 500 billion, if Beijing does not. is not abandoned and retaliatory measures will be imposed on new rights. "Due to such an increase in trade disputes, global bond yields are trending down, demand for the US dollar and the yen is rising, and stock market corrections are continuing," said Richard Perry, badyst at Hantec. Markets. – In the past hours, we are already seeing all this. It will be interesting to see if the negative reaction will be strong because it is always slower. "

Statistical data released on Wednesday showed that producer prices in June, compared with May, spurred 0.3%." Instead of a forecast of 0.2 percent. Annual growth was 3.4%, and was the highest since the year of 2011 and higher than the average of 3.1%.

21st Century Fox Media conglomerate shares decreased by 2.5% The company raised the price of British Sky to 14 pounds per share, and at that price, the British pay TV operator costs 24.5 billion pounds (32 billion dollars).

The new Fox offer is 30.2% higher than the price offered in December (£ 10.75 per share) and 12 per cent More than $ 12.5 per share offered by Comcast for Sky [19659003] Meanwhile, Facebook's share price fell by 0.1 percent, with the announcement that the company was outrageous about the data leak es earlier this year. Britain can be allocated 500,000. A fine of $ 660,000 in fine Awareness of new bonds expected in the short term China has hurt the US stock indexes in New York on July 11. (Interfax -BNS). Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 138.29 points, or 0.56%, since the beginning of the session, after announcing that the United States was preparing to impose new duties on imports from China, the main indices US fellows fell on Wednesday.

to 24781.37 points.

Standard & Poor's 500 fell by 13.84 points, or 0.5%, to 2,780,000. Nasdaq Composite – 40.49 points, or 0.53%, to 7718.25 points [19659003] US President Donald Tramp ordered to start preparing an additional 10%. Imports of Chinese imports of 200 billion euros The value of dollars, taking a step closer to a trade war between the two nations

Beijing has taken countermeasures of the same magnitude with regard to US duties before taxes. However, Chinese imports from the United States are less than $ 200 billion. USD, so this time it will not succeed.

D. Shortly before, he said that he would be ready to set additional duties for almost all imports from China, whose total value currently stands at about 500 billion, if Beijing does not. is not abandoned and retaliatory measures will be imposed on new rights. "Due to such an increase in trade disputes, global bond yields are trending down, demand for the US dollar and the yen is rising, and stock market corrections are continuing," said Richard Perry, badyst at Hantec. Markets. – In the past hours, we are already seeing all this. It will be interesting to see if the negative reaction will be strong because it is always slower. "

Statistical data released on Wednesday showed that producer prices in June, compared with May, spurred 0.3%." Instead of a forecast of 0.2 percent. Annual growth was 3.4%, and was the highest since the year of 2011 and higher than the average of 3.1%.

21st Century Fox Media conglomerate shares decreased by 2.5% The company raised the price of British Sky to 14 pounds per share, and at that price, the British pay TV operator costs 24.5 billion pounds (32 billion dollars).

The new Fox offer is 30.2% higher than the price offered in December (£ 10.75 per share) and 12 per cent More than $ 12.5 per share offered by Comcast for Sky [19659003] Meanwhile, Facebook's share price fell by 0.1 percent, with the announcement that the company was outrageous about the data leak es earlier this year. Britain can be allocated 500,000. fine ($ 660,000) fine.

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