One of the Kruonis HAE units has been repaired



  The total maximum power of all 4 Kruonis PSP plants reaches 900 MW / "Photo of the Lithuanian archives" archive "title =" The total maximum power of 4 Kruonis PSP plants reach 900 MW./Lithuanian News archive

The maximum total power of the 4 Kruonis PSP plants reaches 900 MW

After the repair of one of the four units of the pumped storage Kruonis (HAE), he is sure will be able to operate for another 15 years, reported the Lithuanian Energy Generating Company (LEG), which controls the power plant.

"After evaluating the state of the plant that produces electricity since 1992, we made the decision to begin its review," said Darius Kucinas, director of production of LEG. According to the company, the repair of this scale was carried out for the first time in the history of the power plant. During this process, a 600 tonne aggregate rotor (rotating part of the motor or machine tool) had to be lifted and reinserted. The repair of the 225 megawatt (MW) power plant has been going on since the beginning of February, but the whole process lasted almost two years. "This unit has been in operation for 25 years, as the other units are third and fourth, they are still much younger (…), their condition is better, the time has not come to fix them, but this can happen in a few years, "said Valentas Neviera. During the repairs, Lithuanian specialists were badisted by Ukrainian factories that manufactured many parts of the unit. New items are also made in Ukraine. According to LEG, the Kruonis HPS, the only power plant of its kind in the Baltic States, balances production and electricity consumption, provides an emergency reserve of the Lithuanian energy system and can take off a few minutes after an accident systemic (the "black out"). In 2018, two out of four Kruonis HPP units provide a secondary emergency backup service (400 MW capacity), while two other units produce electricity according to market demand. The maximum total power of the four Kruonis HPP units is 900 MW. By developing the capacity of Kruonis HPS, it is planned to build a fifth power unit (225 MW).

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