Panevio Energija will invest 30 mln. Eur


Published: 21/07/2012 13:35


Panevio Energija AB expects investments to reduce drought and increase efficiency. Photo by Eglė Markeviienė (V)

Panevio energija region of the region plans to invest more than 30 mln. Eur. The coal industry and pipelines will be rebuilt

My plans are to rebuild two boiler houses in Panevezys this year. Two new boilers with a capacity of 8 MW will be built in the boiler room. A new biofuel boiler of a 4 MW water boiler will be built in the Pasvalys boiler plant. Pasvalys district The fuel cost of the biofuel project in the current biofuel project is estimated at more than 7% of the cost of biofuels

For all uses of biofuels for the benefit of the biofuel boiler to produce up to 3.8 mln. EU EUR support, and the value of the project will be about 8 million. Eur

New Pipes

Panevezys Energy has started the reconstruction of the network of reconstruction of 8 networks, which will replace the pipeline of 33 km long. During the past year, a new 17 km long pipeline has already been installed. Other pipelines will be replaced this year until the start of the new heating season. In 2018, an agreement was reached on the renewal of the 22 km gas pipeline and the agreement on the construction of a new network in Rokiškis and Zarasai. Projects to be implemented by 2020

By replacing old pipelines with new ones, heat losses in the networks will rise to around 2.5%, according to Petras Diksas, CEO of Panevezys Energy.

Up to 50% project worth the support of the EU. The value of the project will rise to 22.8 million. Eur.

Rayt's commentary

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