Patience test for flight delays: the sticker can not be raised too much


The main reason is not chess

"If pilots fly with this plane, it means that everything is fine with the plane.Nobody should fly in a plane in doubtful state ", as if everyone who had questioned the status of Small Planet Airlines 'aircraft was calmed by the oldest pilot, Captain Donald O' Learan of Airbus A320

. delayed flights due to failures. "It is difficult to understand that the plane can not enter the airspace.It is not possible to hit one after the other one kilometer away – because of this, planes are held on the ground ", explains the pilot. This can happen not only because of the airspace but also because of the load of the airport – in small airports, like the Greek islands, there simply can not be any problem. ;space. Lakūnas D.Latvėnas,

Eats both money and time

Although the delays are more often due to the intensity of the traffic and the lack of resources, d & # 39; Other comments come from storms due to malfunctions. According to Vidmantas Plėtis, Director of Air Traffic Control at Small Planet Airlines, the time it takes, the time it takes, and why it's not always possible to quickly solve problems, "

euro This is a computer engine.It is precisely because of the change of this box in early July that there have been delays, "- V.Plita was shown after the wing. of the plane

  Representatives of Sigismund Gedvilla / 15min photo /

Representatives of the planet revealed aircraft of the company

How much is the repair? "Ideally, engine repairs start at $ 1.5 million and can end at $ 6 million."

Fixing failures requires a lot of financial and time-related costs, for example modified engine, V.Pleta explained that this job can last up to 8 days. "It seems that the simplest thing is to put a piece of tin. But it is necessary to prepare a repair site, to dissolve the part of the tin, it must be heat treated, other processes are carried out. Representatives of Sigismund Gedvilla / 15min photo / "Little planet" appeared on a corporate plane "rel =" content-image "src =" small-planet-atstovai-aprode-imones-lektuva-5b583cc433fc5.jpg "style =" width: auto; height: auto; "/>

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / The representatives of" Smal Planet "have revealed the appearance of the airline company

It takes even longer for the For example, in April, a Small Planet Airlines plane could not climb because a plan was found to detect a violation of the engine in the combustion chamber.

"We contacted the engine manufacturer because this violation was not described in the documentation. – What can you say? The whole day of communication with the manufacturer pbades, and finally he says – yes, in such an engine such an offense can take place during such a period. After him, you, my dear friend, you take it and you send it to a major repair "- V.Plita revealed his cuisine

  Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min Photo / Vidmantas Plėtis

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min fotografas / Vidmantas Plėtis [19659006] "The wings of a nasty car are the same, you can drive. If the plane rolls, what should we do? The maintenance organization must measure the depth of the offense. As long as this is done, the flight will be delayed again, because safety is a priority, "said the head of the airworthiness certification department.

The fact that it is usually necessary to contact the manufacturer can be extended. "The airline itself can not make a decision" a little caught up, steal. "This is forbidden.Any depends on the aircraft manufacturer," – V.Plita.

Even stickers can be a hindrance

A specialist on the chbadis shows a sticker, which warns against the use of nitrogen in red letters in the tires. "This is a mandatory sticker after the event in the United States, when maintenance personnel accidentally sprayed the wheels with compressed air. What was The tire broke during the tire," said V.Plita

If the Civil Aviation Administration personnel, also carrying out aircraft inspections, will not find this sticker – the flight will be delayed until what it appears

  Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min The representatives of Small Planet appeared on a business aircraft

The representatives of Smism Planet were shown on a business aircraft [19659009] The red numbers on the rear wing of the aircraft, indicating the angle of the aircraft stabilizers, can be. "It is one of the stickers that It is not possible to fly aboard an airplane, "said V.Plita

The plane has a lot details that may seem insignificant to the outer eyes, but cause long delays. For example, if lightning strikes the aircraft, the ice can go through specially designed toothbrushes, but it can also go through riveting.

"And it will have to be replaced. Ideally, it will take 6 hours, at worst, it can take up to two hours, "said the spokesman for the airline.

How much time can you devote to a detail, recalled V .Pleta? He hit the nose with a bird. "The bird did not end up in any way for us," he said.

Although the spare part was found in the After the receipt of the message, it was at the other end of Europe – in Ireland.The airlines ordered a special cargo plane that went there, loaded, and with the intermediate landing in the middle of the European refueling finally reached Greece. "Finals – 37 hours from the beginning of the test until our lifting", – he presented himself with desire

How many aircraft are there?

Different ranges of pbadenger planes are defined, when and how much they must be ver The shortest interval is 24 hours

"The daily inspection of the aircraft is carried out daily before the first flight. The technicians walk around the plane, inspecting the necessary places on the inspection page, and checking in addition to the computer systems, because the plane is a small flying computer, V.Plita explained.

Before the flight, a pilot pbades there is no obvious damage, leakage of liquid, or – there are no dangerous objects.

Every seven days, the aircraft must be inspected in more detail – when the hoods are already open, the engine performance and condition data are read and sent to the manufacturer who makes recommendations. on how and when to handle

A thorough check is made every 750 flying hours, 750 runs / carpet or 4 months (which of these indicators is faster) and then it lasts 6 to 12 hours.

After 7.5 thousand hours of flight, 5 ths cycles or a two-year aircraft are already on the hangar for the inset. "It is then equipped with platforms, it travels with techniques, climb to the top of the hill, check systems, mechanisms, wires, structure, construction" – V.Plita said. Representation of the airline of the company "rel =" content-image "src =" -5b583ccf06b4d.jpg "style =" width: auto; height: auto; "/>

Zygmunt Gedvilla / 15min photo / Smal Planet representing the airline of the company

After 6 years, a provisional and exhaustive structural inspection takes place. cabin, cargo compartments and inspection are completely selected – corrosion or serious cracks.

Finally, after 12 years, a thorough check is carried out, which lasts an average of one and a half months depending on the ideal scenario. can this plane fly? This time is not defined in years, but in flight hours and in landing / take-off cycles.For example, the Airbus A320 is 60 thousand. hours and 48 mile landing / carpet What to do next, that is the decision of the airline

The aircraft can either be given to be eliminated or be determined to extend its flight time when he works with the builder. "None of the aircraft of the companion ie Small Planet Airlines has such an extension – we adhere to the policy of reaching the first limit set and then distributing the plane, "explained V.Plita. – This extension is a bit of a bomb – may surprise, whose decision will cost you millions. "

The average flight plan of Small Planet Airlines is 3,000 hours per year and about 1.5 miles of carpet / landing.

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