Residents can already apply for renewable energy support


The Environmental Project Management Agency (APVA) of the Ministry of Environment, which announced the invitation, plans to allocate 3.3 million litas to payments.

According to the report of the Ministry of Energy, the owners of houses to one or two apartments (with the exception of unfinished buildings, garden buildings) with solar power plants or 10 kW (solar) wind turbines will generate electricity

"Homeowners who are equipped with solar collectors or heat pumps for the production of hot water and heat will also be eligible for the benefits. The aid also aims to convert fossil fuel boilers (fuel oil, shale oil, natural gas, coal, peat) into biofuel boilers or heat pumps, "says the report

. 39 energy from renewable resources must be installed already after the completion of the construction of the house.In addition, for the replacement of fossil fuel boilers, payments will be made only in cases where the costs have was incurred at least five years after the construction of the house, according to the Ministry

euro A specific amount can be calculated in the spreadsheet located in the application form or verified on www.apva. For example, the installation of a 5 kW solar plant can result in a compensation of 1680 euros and a plant of 10,000 euros per kWh of 3360 euros.

Only the costs incurred from 1 january er 2015 until the end of the project implementation period March 31, 2006.

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