Sell Seam Garage: offer to buy 16 old Volkswagen, Audi and BMW


On the list of vehicles marketed by manufacturers Seimas – BMW, Volkswagen and Audi and a forklift. For a long time, the use of second-hand cars by members of the Seimas and the Registry will be possible for everyone, the most important condition being that before the auction it is necessary to s & dquo; Register and pay the entrant's upfront fees.

The Deputy Chancellery of the Republic of Lithuania Gintaras Šiaučiulis stated that the prices of the vehicles sold and the interval of increase of the minimum prices were established by a commission appointed by the Chancellor of the Sejm, while prices for similar cars were taken into account. Photo by Elinsko / 15min / House of Commons releases public auction of unused property "rel =" content-image "src =" kanceliarija-paskelbe-livesa-nebenaudojamo-turto-aukciona-5b433d0448788.jpg "style =" width: auto; height: auto; "/>

Joshvydas Elinskas / 15min. / The Seimas office publishes a public auction of unused goods

G. Šiaučiulis says that the technical state of the cars However, it is necessary to warn interested persons that the period of validity of up to five vehicles has already expired.

The lowest published price is 800 euros for 1998 Volkswagen Pbadat with a 1.8-liter gasoline engine.The most reliable is to sell three in 2003. BMW 520i with 2.2-liter engines with a starting price of 4200 EUR

The minimum price increase for cars varies between EUR 50 and 100.

Vice President of Seimas Arvydas Nekrošius said the cars are sold, It was decided to refuse them.

'These are older cars that have need more maintenance, repairs, so it was decided that we would give up these vehicles by saving, "commented the vice president.

A. Nekrasius revealed that with the vehicles sold, the Seimas garage currently has 60 cars, and the garage and its infrastructure cost more than a million.

If all cars will not be sold at this auction, a new auction will be published. However, if the second time the cars can not be sold, they will go to scrap.

The Vice President himself said that he would choose the oldest car – in 1994.

VIDEO: Arvydas Nekrošius comments on the choice of car auction

The sale to Auctions will be held on July 16th in the premises of the Seimas Department of Transport.

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