SFE sold 86 million lumber for the first half. Revenue EUR


  Judith Grigelight

Judith Grigelitz (V)

State University (SFE) announced that during the first 2018 half a total of 1.75 mln. cube Sales of wood and wood totaled 86 million. EUR turnover. Thai is 10.1% higher than in 2017 birel dry.11.9% lower wood three sold at an average higher price at a level than in 2017 for the period concerned

The Plan Mikko harvest is approved by government decision for a period of five years. According to the current 2014-2018 Approval of the plan for each year The Ministry of the Environment approves the annual cut-off rate

In some smaller regional subdivisions, relatively more wood could be sold in the four first years, leaving less than last year. At the end of the year, which coincides with the five-year planning period, the results of the wood sales are almost equal, explains Marius Pulkauninkas, Director of SFE.

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