Shoulders of sheep farmers | Business


Detailed Explanation

A considerable number of herds of the former Lithuanian black hair genotype, as well as the breeder Texels and the Ostfryz dairy breed and other breeds of sheep, tend to consider all investments in the farm. Livestock is not an easy industry, and the income is hard earned, so we have to be weighed.

"We are very attached to the fact that this measure has many advantages: we have to weigh everything that suits us and what is not." There is still time because applications will be accepted. 39, here the end of summer.The farmer said that he participated in the event organized by the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), where the specialists of the Ministry of Agriculture presented the activities of the PDR measure "Cooperation" in the field of "Support to small farms" Entity Cooperation "

" We know the rules, but completely different, when they are delivered live.A lot of things are revealed, other nuances appear by answering questions on the spot ", – explained the owner of the sheep farm.

She said that she plans to provide the application with a family member who is also engaged in breeding. According to the area of ​​activity of the measure, cooperation between small enterprises is supported by the organization of joint working process, the sharing of facilities and resources, the realization of economic activities , commercial and environmental joint

. support on the ground. The representative of the Ministry of Agriculture pointed out that the main requirement is that support be requested by at least two project participants who are engaged in the same activities and who are looking for support for the investment. related to the general activity of the project

Technical update

"We would do very well updating agricultural machinery, purchasing tractors or mowers. it would be more stable and more reliable to invest and work with a family member together, "said farmer Biržai District

. support of the euro. Support may be applied to small holdings whose farm, expressed in terms of production at normal value, is not less than EUR 4 000 and does not exceed EUR 15 000 at the time of application.

The aid can be invested in new agricultural machinery and new equipment for the production of agricultural products; new technological equipment, new equipment and equipment and new computers and software for the purposes of the project (with the exception of pbadenger cars);

Livestock – Benefits

The cost of implementing the project business plan is based on the costs of implementing the project business plan. 60 percent intensity of support. As the breeders are attached, they would be 70% compensated. eligible expenses. Higher aid intensities also apply to small farms cooperating in the horticultural, horticultural and horticultural sectors.

The breeding has advantages and projects. 25 points are awarded when projects are related to the development of at least one of these sectors – livestock, horticulture, horticulture, forestry, rural tourism, as well as when the project generates income from the target sector of at least 50%. of all operating income.

More information on Lithuanian rural development 2014-2020. The support program for agriculture and rural areas can be found here: and

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