sommelier, Dominik Velička, non-alcoholic wine


Decision makers and propagandists of healthy lifestyles rub their hands: the so-called millennia of alcohol consume less. This approach encourages the activity of non-alcoholic beverages. It's drinks. Sommelier Dominik Velička, the famous wine specialist, offers so-called non-alcoholic wines to find another name. Why?

– Dear Dominians, would you be able to identify alcoholic beverages from soft drinks without knowing who is?
– Everyone will probably be separated. I doubt that there is a person who drinks a soft drink and who would say that it is wine. Wine is just an alcoholic drink. This is very clearly defined in the Oxford dictionary of "wine – alcoholic beverages made by fermenting fruit juice" (wine – liquor made from fermented fruit juice – rain). If the wine does not have alcohol, it is not wine. It's a vintage imitation, sometimes very well done deception

– Let's talk about the quality of these beverages
– The well-drained grape juice contains a lot of sugar. Sometimes up to four hundred and eighty grams per liter. The fermentation process converts yeast sugar into alcohol. We have a drink that we call wine. More sugar – more alcohol, even thirteen fifteen percent

After creating the conditions for the soft drink market, the winemaker is encouraged to remove alcohol from the wine. The logic of the company says: Using alcohol less alcohol is more profitable. Which can end up with the aforementioned percentages of alcoholic wine when it can produce seven to nine percent of the wine. And get decent profits from him. Low alcohol vines yield vines that are not completely dry. This is a non-drinkable wine, but a suitable raw material for non-alcoholic beverages. Because alcohol is eliminated – lower labor costs. Unrealistic way for the bad wine market! There are such unsuccessful winemaking years that it is allowed to artificially soften the juice in order to obtain the resulting product that could be called wine. Lithuanian winemakers use it legally.
In the vineyard practice, we speak of "green harvest": the part of the grape that has not completely ripened from the bush, leaving five six octa in the best sunny position.

A well-made non-alcoholic beverage is a necessary product. It is important that people do not throw themselves, and the state is concerned about the quality of these drinks.

Unripened berries were previously used to produce fertilizer or vinegar. Now, the concept of "two cultures" has emerged. The first grapes that are not fully ripe turn into soft drinks (low in sugar and alcohol), the second crop is removed from the same shrub when the grapes are rolled to the appropriate sugar content for normal wine. now produces a drink that is more profitable than a real wine.

Another thing to keep in mind is the effects of synthetic enzymes on the human body. Synthetic enzymes are certain yeast microorganisms that convert sugar into alcohol and offal, which nobody talks about.
So with soft drinks you should be treated with the same caution as alcohol because there is no quality requirement for a wine without alcohol. Why alcohol-free wine does not crack, do not beat? There is no sugar or alcohol, but it does not smoke. If natural preservatives are removed from wine, then what is added?

– What do you propose? Do you think bans help fight alcoholism?
– Drinks are a cultural thing. Our politicians see the release of a non-alcoholic wine rack, and what's too much about the product is not enough. It is important to score only "0 degree alcohol".
A targeted and conscious reduction of alcohol consumption is welcome. However, this is only meant to insure. Fun without alcohol is simple and easy. Closed and closed The problem is fixed. The most difficult task of culture is to learn to moderate fun with alcohol. The wine culture must be learned.
A new generation is learning not to hate alcohol as a poison. Do not drink fear – not a way out. The gurgling culture is stopped.

– Nevertheless, non-alcoholic drinks are often a great option if you can not raise a cup. What kind of soft drink (wine) deserves to be noticed? [TRADUCTION] [TRADUCTION] – Traders argue that the price of non-alcoholic beverages is not much different than that of alcohol because the dehydration method is expensive. But there are non-alcoholic wines, and for four euros, which also had to be produced, fermented juice, to produce wine, which then had to be dealcoholised. Put this product in bottles and sell as a non-alcoholic wine for four euros. It's a mistake! So I ask what is the product there? We can say that price is one of the quality indicators.
Non-alcoholic beverages have a positive niche in many cases. They can be used by drivers waiting for women who can drink those who do not drink or who have health problems.
A well made non-alcoholic beverage is a necessary product. It is important that people do not throw themselves, and the state is concerned about the quality of these drinks.


A bottle of wine contains between 600 and 900 berries. The smaller the berries – the better the wine. The big berries are the worst wine. There are 1500 varieties of vine varieties, each breed brings a variety of wine options.

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