According to Standard & Poor's results, the Maxima Group's BB + rating has steadily gained ground by positioning itself as a leader in a similar market (with a turnover of annual 4 billion euros) in Europe. position in the Baltic countries, growing market share in the Polish market, sustainable business model and financial stability of the company. According to the press release, the solvency and financial stability of the Maxima group are at the same level as those of the major European distributors (for example, Tesco in the United Kingdom or the Casino Group in France)
"Despite the fact that our activities until here focused on the relatively small market of the Baltic countries, the company received a solid rating, which opens up new opportunities in international capital markets.At the same time, it is proof that & # 39; Today, Maxima Group has already reached the level of commercial maturity, which makes it possible to use the same financial tools as the large European distribution companies, "explains Maxima Grupė CEO Dalius Misiūnas Maxima Group "began to badess bond distribution prospects for the issuance of credit ratings. This was the first important step in the bond issuance process that the company completed. According to D. Misiūnas, the company is currently studying all possible alternatives to the business financing model.
"In deciding on the distribution of bonds, a rating is only one of several criteria, such as the situation on the capital markets. Of course, after the issuance of positive-rated bonds, distribution continues to be an attractive option for further business development in foreign markets, "he says
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