The chaos manipulating secondary raw materials: is the street lit up?


Chaos is underway in the treatment of secondary raw materials throughout the country. This can lead to the fact that the sites will simply be strewn with soil.

Currently, in Lithuania, there is a legitimate procedure for collecting and arranging secondary raw materials for businessmen. The system is simple: if a contractor has manufactured or imported a product, he has manufactured or imported the packaging.

Under this system, entrepreneurial organizations, which have three in Lithuania, must pay for plastic, paper, glbad containers, emptying, removal and sorting of waste: Packaging, Green Point "and" Future of Nature. "

Waste management badociations do not do it themselves, they hire contractors under contracts and they do not pay them for a year. carriers are about to cancel contracts, not to dispose of waste.

Organizations must support transportation

According to data from the Association of Regional Resource Centers Lithuania waste, the WTO owes waste managers to the management of packaging waste in 2017. and makes no payment for 2018.

The Green Point organization did not not signed financing agreements with all the ges before 2018. and does not agree to pay to the same managers in the same municipality as other organizations.

Currently, municipalities are required to publish garbage collection contests, even if they do not have funds to finance these contracts. does not agree to fully fund all contractual costs or where manufacturers and importers are unable to finance these contracts, thus severely violating the principle of EU producer liability.

However, Daiva Skrupskelienė, one of the carriers of Ecoservice, improved

"Aggregation of Packaging Organizations for 2017. are covered or there are debt repayment schedules, and we Let's expect everything to be done by agreement, I'm talking about the Ecoservice group of companies The share of the funding for 2018

Recourse to the Ministry of the Environment

The Lithuanian Association of Centers Regional waste management has already addressed to the Ministry of Environment an emergency situation in the packaging waste management system in June.

Analysis of the situation shows that the packaging waste market has been overtaken by interest groups that do not allow the development and development of waste recycling capacity in Lithuania, resulting in an artificial and imminent crisis in the management of waste. d

There are currently three producer organizations and importers of packaging in Lithuania. It is clear that the competitive struggle between packaging in the utilities sector is only illusory, and in such a system, it is very difficult to expect better results and more System stability that inevitably threatens the collapse of the entire system

Alytus The waste problems in the city are solved and managed by the Regional Center for Waste Management of Alytus. Algirdas Reipas, director of the company, said that because of the defective system, manufacturers can not badume their responsibility.

"This is a fake system, and this experiment has shown that in principle the manufacturers can not badume their responsibility.They depend on recycling, which is not it.We wanted create multiple organizations, but when one becomes insolvent, managers can not provide services to others, the state does not announce bankruptcies of insolvent organizations ", – said A .Reipas.

The Ministry of Environment has amended the law on the management of packaging and packaging waste. However, A. Reip does not consider that this is effective: "Always believe that it will be better, these changes have two objectives: to improve something, but nothing The ministry proposes modifications to the law

The proposed modifications by the Ministry propose, in order not to restrict competition, to abandon the market share required by the organizations representing manufacturers and importers, it is also proposed to impose on organizations the obligation to Impose different levels of packaging waste management costs on manufacturers and importers, depending on the type of packaging supplied to the Lithuanian market and the possibilities for processing.

"In order to strengthen the self-control mechanism of products and players in the packaging market, the amendment of the law clarifies the role, rights and obligations of the waste management boards; packaging and organizations. It is also proposed to set up a security deposit for system administrators to set up audit committees and to announce each year the independent auditors' findings on director performance.

The amendment to the Act also proposes to require organizations and bookbinders of multiple and non-reusable packaging system administrators to make contributions to manufacturers and importers on the basis of an independent audit report. Commentary of the Ministry

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