The development of theft: more than ever


  The largest number of flights - 958 - was made in Lithuania on 21 June.

Most flights – 958 – made in Lithuania on June 21st. Photo by Romualas Jurgutis (LŽ)

It is estimated that in June of this year, the number of aircraft in the Lithuanian airspace was more than one tenth of the year. previous year, while the number of pbadengers served was a record. This year, nearly 20 new routes have been offered to pbadengers and 6 more are waiting for the autumn

According to preliminary information provided by the state enterprise "Oro navigacija", 26 thousand pbadengers have were unloaded in June in the Lithuanian airspace. flights – 11.8% more than last year at the same time. Three-quarters of all flights were made by transit flights, or 19,900 flights. – they were 12.2%. more than in June of last year

Long – late June

The largest number of flights – 958 – took place in Lithuania on June 21st. This figure includes all flights operated by aircraft at Lithuanian airports or in Lithuanian territory. Last June, June – June 8, air traffic services in Lithuania reached 13.5%. According to preliminary data, air traffic controllers served 4,432 aircraft flying or flying to Vilnius (4088 last year), 928 to Kaunas (791 last year), 516 in town (452 last year) and 428 in Siauliai. (l last year – 214)

The Lithuanian airspace has more than 900 airlines on its routes. In order to be able to operate safely, efficiently and in a timely manner, air navigation services are provided to him since the flight of the aircraft from the parking lot of the aircraft to the aerodrome of destination. In the Lithuanian airspace and at Lithuanian airports, it is carried out by the state enterprise "Oro navigacija".

Registration numbers

Lithuanian public airports calculate that the number of pbadengers at country airports has increased steadily since 2010. According to Aurimas Stikliunas, head of the Lithuanian airports service, the main influence has economic reasons, such as low oil prices, which affect the price of airline tickets. Thus, due to the favorable economic conditions on the market, more people can afford to travel. He said that in the first half of 2018, 2.9 million pbadengers were served at three Lithuanian airports. pbadengers and 29.6 thsd. The flights "We plan to increase the number of pbadengers in the airports of Vilnius, Kaunas and Palanga at the end of this year to reach a record of more than 6 million." According to A. Stikliunas, one of the The reasons why Lithuania increases both the number of flights and their pbadengers The airports are actively implementing a route development strategy and an expanding network of routes: pbadengers from Vilnius, Kaunas and Palanga airports can choose from 98 different routes this year.

He reports that 11 new lines were launched last year: from Vilnius airport to Agadir, Gdansk, Gothenburg, Grenoble, Cologne, Munich, Nuremberg, Paris, from Kaunas to Naples, from Palanga to Glasgow and St. Petersburg, seven other trips have already been made this year: from Vilnius to Athens, Astana and Corfu, from Kaunas to Burgas, Rimini, Warsaw and Girona, 6 more t have already been announced, but the flights will start at the end of October: from Vilnius to Amana, Marrakech and Treviso. , from Kaunas – to Bologna, Milan and Tel Aviv.

This year, travelers from Vilnius, Kaunas and Palanga airports can choose from 98 different routes.

"The development team of the Lithuanian Airport Development Roads constantly communicates with various airlines, as well as with those already present at our airports, at national airports, and those who might potentially start flying here.In the course of the negotiations, Lithuania is presented as an attractive destination for both tourists and businessmen, said A. Stikliunas.- However, we must emphasize that the decision the more important and definitive on the new route is taken by the company itself, after evaluating all the available data.

The spokesman points out that the new route is not the only decision of the airline The airline can increase the number of weekly or daily flights on the most requested routes, as well as larger planes with more seats. 59014]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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