The flight of G. Ziemel on the Polish stock market ends, the small shareholders calculate the losses


Lithuanian businessmen Gediminas Žiemelis and Vaidas Barakauskas fly to the Warsaw Stock Exchange and losses are accounted for by small shareholders in the aviation sector. The announcement was made Wednesday by a long-time partner of G. Žiemelis, Vladias Bagavičius, a Cypriot company, Haifo, along with other Warsaw-based Avia Solutions Group (ASG) companies and has been in charge of the project. Intent to remove ASG from the stock market. It is reported that 83% The group of ASG shareholders plans to offer 15.18 PLN per share, for a total of PLN 118 million. Zloty (EUR 27 million).

"This is clearly a euphemism of the stock price, ASG's own funds at the end of 2017 rising to 62.6 million .348.5 million euros The company that earns 5 million euros has made a profit.Net profit in euros.The price / earnings ratio of the shares of ASG is just over 5 and the price / book value ratio does not. is only 0.4% – in the world, these valuations are difficult to find even in emerging markets, "says Tomas Pilipavičius.He, ASG entered the stock market immediately after the global financial crisis in 2011 , and raised 76 million US dollars for a share of 52 zlotys per share. zloty "This means that when buying shares of the company G. Žiemelis through a public offering and after pbading 7 years ago, investors account for 70%. losses, although the ASG has increased significantly, "said T. Pilipavičius.

In 2011, the ASG received $ 84.4 million. and earned 2.5 million euros. The net profit in euros and the equity of the company stand at 27.9 million euros.

The main activity of the ASG is the repair and maintenance of aircraft. "The price of these companies is really a recent affair, with the Baltcap private equity fund for 43 million euros." The euro has been sold several times to Chinese investors at the ASG by the smallest Estonian repair company, Magnetic MRO, whose turnover last year stood at 90.9 million euros "- said T. Pilipavičius.

ASG abandonment is already the second similar project of V. Bagavičius and G. Žiemelis and other shareholders. This year, it has already been decided to abandon the actions of the aeronautical leasing company "AviaAM Leasing", offering them a rate of 5.62 zloty and a total of 243.4 million. zloty (58.5 million euros). The stock offered only for its short-term badets, and the company's equity amounted to 119 million euros.

AviaAM Leasing entered the Warsaw Stock Exchange in June 2013, attracting 112 million Litas of investors. zloty The price of an action at that time was 8 zlotys, which means that investors have committed 30%.

"Polish equity funds are forced to sell because they can not hold unlisted companies, and prices are not disputed by anyone because these investments make up a very small portion of the portfolios we believe that the Bank of Lithuania already has enough documents to discover that minority shareholders can not effectively defend their rights, so we suggest that companies should be required to provide an independent badessment that the price is fair ", T. Pilipavičius, 19659002] According to him, the Lithuanian entrepreneurs who withdraw from the Warsaw Stock Exchange blame the Polish capital market for not having met their expectations. "In my opinion, we must look in the mirror and wondering what business leaders have done without stories about the billions of ambitions, to count how much the dividends have been paid, and then it will be clearer. When the risk of foreclosure exceeds the shares, the circle of their buyers narrows automatically ", – said T. Pilipavičius.

V. He held management positions at Agrowill Group, a group of agricultural companies related to G Žiemeliai for many years Financing of acquisitions of V. Bagavičius is not reported

Some investors believe that after the Polish Stock Exchange, another stopover of G. Žiemelis will be Hong Kong, where aviation-related activities are more valued.

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