The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the Golden Age of Business Consultants


Lithuanian companies are increasingly seeking consultations that would help them to understand prevailing trends and to properly prepare for decisive technological change. Nearly 700 companies have already benefited from the compensation provided for consulting costs.

UAB Investicijų ir verslo garantijos (Invega) this year, only in the first quarter, 190 small and medium enterprises have compensated 240.6 thousand. Consulting costs incurred in consultation with Business Advisory Network consultants. During the year 2017, the activity grew by 436,8 thousand. compensation received by 286 companies.

"In realizing the inevitable changes badociated with the changing technology of our lives, the company is seeking up-to-date high-quality information to help create survival recipes in a competitive market. irresistible wave of investment and green products, is pushing companies to seek new ways of effective marketing, so that consultations on business, export or more efficient use of resources are gaining importance ", explains Kęstutis Motiejunas, CEO of Invegos.

The European consultation market is approaching 100 billion. In dollars, experts point out that it is growing the most in the East, not in the countries of Western Europe. This shows that Eastern European entrepreneurs are striving to strengthen their competitiveness, which is sometimes lagging behind similar companies in the West.

"The fourth industrial revolution is a reality in the future, although it looks like a distant and perhaps imminent trend." Looking at how fast the market is changing and consumer expectations, Business representatives want the quickest information at their disposal, not only to prepare for change, but also to initiate it themselves, "explains Motiejune.

The President of the Lithuanian Confederation of Enterprises, Valdas Sutkus, observes that the growth in the demand for consulting services is linked to technological innovations, which force companies to adapt quickly to ongoing developments and even to predict their future development.

"It is important to ensure that even small businesses remain competitive in this era of change, including by introducing green technologies, making them more environmentally friendly by developing exports – it is timely seizing external opportunities by hiring consultants It is difficult for companies that focus on routine day-to-day issues to track market developments, including identifying key trends, but expert advice helps deepen knowledge and to better understand effective actions ", explains V. Sutkus.

According to Invegos, this year consulting services related to planning and business management are the most requested. During the first quarter, the institution managed by the Ministry of Economy adopted 212 decisions to repay these expenses for 0.42 million. EUR.

For consultations on export compensation, 48 positive decisions were taken for 0.19 million. euro Ecological advice on eco-innovations and pollution prevention is more and more in demand. In the first quarter, 18 positive decisions were made for the reimbursement of these consultations for 0.06 million. euro

Knowledge of environmental claims is also important for participation in green public procurement, which already accounts for more than one-tenth of all government procurement. By 2020, these purchases in the public sector are expected to reach 50%. of all public contracts.

Invega is partially offset by consulting costs for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises under the European Regional Development Fund "Eco Consultant LT", "Expo Consultant LT" and "Business Consultant LT". The advice is provided by a wide range of professional consultants from the network of business advisers under the supervision of VŠĮ "Versli Lietuva".

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