The intention is to obtain a flight from Vilnius to London Sit


A direct flight from Vilnius to one of the world's largest financial centers in London Sit could begin next spring, says Minister of Economy Virginijus Sinkevičius.

"He had long been fighting for a commercial flight to London.Heathrow Airport was considered, but there is no free time, so the airport of London City was chosen.London was the main route indicated by investors to invest in investments in Lithuania, "said the SNB Minister of Economy

Wednesday, V. Sinkevicius and the Minister of Transport Rokas Masiulis have replaced the Minister of Environment Kęstutis. Navickas has signed an ordinance for the economic and social development of the country for the establishment of a vital Vilnius Airport – London City Airport.

V. According to Sinkevicius, it is planned to launch the call for bids for the airline wishing to organize flights on this route in September

"We hope that there will be at least some airlines in the competition (…) If all goes well, the airlines should start selling plane tickets at the end of the year, and the first planes would start flying in the spring of 2019 ", said the Minister of Economy. The European Union (EU) forbids the state to support airports or businesses. In addition to the additional authorization of the European Commission (EC), only a small amount of aid of 200,000 euros can be allocated for new flights. Three years ago

The order signed by the ministers states that scheduled flights on this route will be organized by a call for tenders selected by the airline. It is said that flights should be organized 6 to 12 times a week.

The airline will have to make sure that it operates planes with at least 98 seats

Currently, airlines fly from the airport of Vilnius to London Luton and Standsted airports. Pbadengers are only transported by low cost airlines – Hungarian Wizz Air and Irish Ryanair

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