The Ministry of Agriculture terminates the advertising service contract


"We made the decision to terminate the advertising service contract and transfer some of the money for advertising to other measures of the Lithuanian rural development program for 2014-2020, by example, young farmers or small farms.Our goal is to make the best use of money and allocate it to farmers, "said Minister of Agriculture Giedrius Surplys

L & # Signing agreement was signed on March 21 with two companies: Information Management Agency and GoMedia The Lithuanian Rural Development Program for the period 2014-2020 provides for the dissemination of information on EU support to the Lithuanian countryside

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, part of the advertising funding is intended to redeploy and cover Lithuanian rural development expenditure 2014-2020 Program measures annual (PDR) are popular, but there is currently a lack of funding for applications. In the reallocation of funds, the ministry plans to reduce public spending by about 40%, part of the funds will be taken from unused funds in 2017.

The Ministry of Promotion of the PDR for the period 2014 -2020 received 9.955 million LTL. EUR, of which 2,376 million euros were spent in 2015-2018. euro By the decision of the Minister of Agriculture, 4 million. will redistribute the RDP measures, and the rest will be badigned to the advertising and exposure of 2018-2023

In late June, the VPN recommended that the contract be terminated when it detected violations in the Purchase of supply services for MoMA. According to the VPN, the Ministry of Agriculture violated the law on public procurement by setting qualification criteria and applying inappropriate prices.

A public procurement campaign for the information campaign on the Internet, television and radio was announced by the MoMA. The competition was also attended by another group of companies – Carat, Knowledge Studio and Magnet LT.

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