The purchase prices of milk stabilize


Average milk purchase prices in Lithuania in June compared with May decreased by 1.4%. According to director Eggidijus Simonis, director of the Dairy Association "Pieno Centras", the purchase price of natural milk in June was mainly influenced by protein and adiposity levels. lower, reaching 3.18 and 3.97% Last June, natural milk rates were higher – 3.26%. Protein content and 4.01% fatness

"Dairy was affected by milk protein and fat indicators, and therefore by price.According to the basic indicators, the price of milk rose slightly, so overall, prices for the purchase of milk remained stable, "said E. Simonis,

Lithuanian dairy farms that sell more than 40 tons of milk a month. paid on average 301 euros per ton. Compared to May, dairy raw materials from large farms decreased by 1.1%.

Among the major milk producers, they bought about 60%.

In the countries of the European Union where large dairy farms predominate, the average price paid for natural milk was 323 euros per ton paid in June

. The decline in milk purchase prices is a general trend, is monitored in all EU countries. Historically, milk purchase prices have begun to decline since the beginning of the year and continue to fall until the end of the summer.

Each spring and summer, milk is precipitated, but its protein / fat ratio decreases, resulting in a corresponding decrease in the purchase price. In autumn and winter, on the other hand, milk decreases, but because of the milk diet in cows, milk and fat increase, and the milk raw material is also more expensive: f (b, e, v, n , t, s). ) return, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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