The sole shareholder of "Kelprojektas" is the Swedish "Tyrens"


Tyréns acquires the entire group of companies Kelprojekto, which has a subsidiary in Sweden, ICCON Infrastructure and City Consultants, Urbanistika and Kelvistas. The Kelprojektas group of companies employs around 250 people. Total business turnover of businesses in 2017 amounted to about 10 million

Until now, Kelprojektas was managed by BaltCap, the largest private equity fund manager and venture capital Baltic countries. The transaction value is not disclosed.

"Kelprojektas" is Lithuania's largest infrastructure design company, designing communications communications, public buildings, engineering networks, performing land-use planning, providing maintenance services.

Tyréns is one of the leading infrastructure development consulting companies in Sweden that provides urban development and infrastructure solutions. There are approximately 2,400 employees in Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom and Estonia.

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