The value of the founding assets of Amazon has exceeded 150 billion. dollars


The American business tycoon, Amazon's founder, Jeff Bezos, is currently valued at more than $ 150 billion. According to the Bloomberg Billionaire index, the BBC reports to

Over the past 12 months, the total value of Bezos' badets has increased by more than $ 60 billion. And that is why he is the richest man in the world. Mr. Bezoso's value is superior to that of Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, who had previously grown to the top of the list of the richest people on the list.

At the present time, B. Gates' badets are worth $ 95 billion.

This is not the first time that the founder of Amazon has been proclaimed the richest man in the world. In July 2017, with the rise in the value of Amazon shares in July 2017, he briefly defeated Gates. However, after dropping the value of the company, Bezon returned to second place on the richer list.
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