There was a new factory in Alytus



The "Glbad LT" factory in Alytus will be fully operational in the autumn. Photo Archive "Lietuvos žinių"

The largest producer of glbad packages in the Baltic countries has completed the construction of a new factory. It is expected that a new plant with an investment of 9.2 mln. EUR] will start operating at full capacity in the autumn.

Glbad LT Company announced that a new factory building occupying 9,000 sq. m area, the construction received 4 mln. euro The remaining amount will be invested in new generation equipment and information and management systems. Part of the funds (2.1 million) was allocated to the project by the EU Structural Funds as part of the support measure for the regions.

"We launched the modernization project of production three years ago." Giedrius Jackūnas, general manager of UAB Glbad LT

According to the head of the company, at the time of entry into EU directive on energy efficiency compliance of new buildings, badessment of energy efficiency of buildings For clbad A, the demand for two-packs chambers are increasing rapidly, their production is more complicated, twice the quantity of materials and the working time is consumed.

In addition, the market for glbad packages in Lithuania is experiencing a rebirth: 5-10% is observed. Every year last year, our country produced 1.95 mln.kv.m glbad packages.In the next 5 years, it is likely that the production of glbad packets in Lithuania will reach 15%, producing thus about 2.2 million liters of kv m production. 9005] "The market is very competitive. Competitive price, although raw materials and personnel costs increase. Volatility and uncertainty in the Scandinavian construction sector should lead to this export market. In order to remain market leaders, we must increase the efficiency of production, "said G. Jackūnas.

A new factory building in Alytus is just a part of the project implemented by the company. Two new glbad package production lines will be available here and installed here. They will combine modern sorting equipment to speed up production processes, minimize manual labor and ensure better product quality.

The new plant should be greener: it includes advanced heating solutions and energy-saving lighting systems. Special attention is paid to the safety and health of workers, the improvement of working conditions, the installation of ergonomic workstations: adjustable lifting tables, ergonomic requirements for working chairs

The Production modernization will increase by 50% more than a quarter. Through the development of the company, 32 jobs will be created (some of the specialists already work) and the total number of employees will reach 132.

The production of UAB Glbad LT varies packets of most popular transparent glbad with large display cases (3000 mm x 5500 mm) and complex product structures: non-standard two- or even three-chamber glbad packs with tempered enamelled glbad for structural facade glazing. The company focuses on the latest technological solutions that guarantee the high energy efficiency of glbad packs, sun protection or safety requirements.

UAB Glbad LT about 25 percent. The products are exported directly and about 40% indirectly by Lithuanian window and facade producers. The largest glbad package company is shipped to Scandinavia, Latvia, Poland.

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