Travel Tips: How to Control Costs and Save Money?


Photo. Excerpt from editorial archives

Although there are many lessons on the internet to find cheaper flights or hotels, a significant number of people abroad still find themselves in situations where they spend more money that they could not. This can be avoided by following some simple tips for budget advice collected by financial experts from the London-based Revolut digital banking alternative.
These tips will help you get lost between different currencies, control your money and even save!

Settlement in different currencies may be cheaper
This advice can be particularly useful when choosing trips to Asia, and it also often requires you to book your local flights.
First of all, the other currency will not be able to pay for its exchange – fortunately, there are already banking alternatives, issued by cards that allow you to settle any one currency without additional exchange fees.
Revolut experts have discovered that flights between London and New York The crowns can save about 15 euros.

2. Never change money before a trip or at the airport
This common mistake has been blocking the pockets of travelers for many years. In most cases, if you decide to change money before a trip to a local bank or exchange office, you will encounter not only the unfavorable exchange rate but also the commission of the change.
One of the most expensive mistakes as well as the landing: it is here that we always offer the worst exchange rates and maximum commissions.
However, we all understand that in certain situations, during a pure journey, they are necessary. What to do in such a case?
Arriving at the destination, it is best to find a cash machine and withdraw money from your card. Try to get one money at a time so that they are sufficient for the entire trip, because if you do it many times, you will still have to pay the card's usage fees at the same time. ;foreign.
In the ideal, use a map that allows you to travel abroad for free. 3 Always pay in local currency
This is one of the most important things that all travelers should know. If you are traveling outside the euro zone, always choose to use your card in local currency – the same applies for card payment and cash withdrawal to a bank account.
If you choose to spend money on your card, the foreign bank will convert the euro into local currency at the time of settlement and will apply its exchange rate and its exchange rate. So, you will see later that you have been charged a lot more money than you thought!

4. Follow the planned budget
Of course, when you go on vacation, you do not want to spare yourself, but if you are surprised by the evaporation of money, you will at least need to estimate your daily budget . Find a number of mobile gadgets that will track your expenses in real time and better imagine how much money you have left before the end of your vacation.

This situation is particularly well known to anyone traveling with a friend of the company – one pays lunch, the other buys museum tickets and the third for ice cream … lost , someone paid for money, and others with a card.
Of course, you do not want to waste time with a calculator, so some remain for your vacation and the unexpectedly overpayments. Share all the costs right away. The best way to do this is with smart gadgets, for example, "Revolut", by pairing button clicks, you can grab your friends' debt or pay you.
Prepared by Revolut Inf.

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