In September, Brent's oil futures on the London Stock Exchange ICE Futures increased from $ 0.41 or 0.55% to $ 73.85 per barrel
. New York Commodity Exchange (NYMEX) WTI futures prices increased by $ 0.59, or 0.86%, to $ 69.11 per barrel.
Data released by the US Department of Energy show that the country's commercial oil stocks last week dropped by 6.147 million. barrels, although badysts predict that they will only reach an average of 2.9 million.
Oil reserves decreased by 2,328 million. instead of forecasting 1.1 million
Oil extraction in the United States last week remained virtually unchanged and remained at record levels of 11 million.
US oil imports decreased by nearly 1.3 million. barrels per day, while exports increased by 1.22 million. barrels a day to a record 2,683 million. According to Robo Haworth, senior strategist at US Bank Wealth Management, a drop in potential output in Iran and Venezuela will be offset by an increase in mining in Russia and Saudi Arabia, and the price of gold Black will continue to fluctuate in the near future. [19659008] (function () {
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