What are Google's sins in Europe estimated at $ 4.34 billion? fine of the euro?


The Alphabet Mother Company, the EC, was instructed to change its business practices within 90 days – additional penalties may be imposed late: 5% of the daily average daily business figure [19659002].

The European Commissioner pointed out that Google has deprived European consumers of the benefits of effective competition in an important area of ​​mobile devices. "

Google CEO Sundar Picha has seen the EC decision on Tuesday before the public announcement by Vestager, which will certainly not be a fatal blow to the US company – by the end of March, Alphabet had accumulated $ 103 billion.

"Rapid innovations, a wide range of choices and lower prices are a clbadic sign of strong competition – Android has provided it with 39, excellent conditions. Today 's decision rejects the commercial model supported by Android, which offers at least, and more choice, to all users. We will appeal, "said Google Head.

After a separate study, Mr. Vestager has already announced an estimated $ 2.4 billion. Google fine for their business comparison practices – Google has also filed a appeal against this decision.

A third separate survey on Google AdSense advertising advertising activity is ongoing.

On Google EC activities are already deepening from 2015. April, after that complaints were filed by the Fairsearch business group, which then belonged to Microsoft, Nokia, Oracle and other companies.

At that time, Android devices in the European market of mobile devices accounted for 64% In the long term, the EC's complaint about mobile operating activities was divided into three specific anti-competitive claims:

  • Google asked manufacturers to léphones and tablets Android d & # 39; use default Google Search and install Chrome as the default browser.
  • Google prevented manufacturers from selling mobile devices with competing operating systems based on open source Android.
  • Google financially motivated device makers to give them access to the Play Store gadget store. and a mobile operator to offer its online search service as the only preinstalled feature.

In response to these allegations, Google representatives have denied having to pre-install any of their gadgets from device manufacturers. The company's representatives also claimed that they could offer their services to consumers for free with the sole distribution of Google Search and Google Play. "The Commission's approach would mean fewer innovations, fewer choices, less competition and higher prices" – until in 2016 Mr Kent Walker, one of Google's executives , wrote on the official blog of the company. He added that in any case, Google had proposed to Apple and its own iOS operating system [.] Mr. Vestager acknowledged that the Android system did not prevent users from downloading the device. 39; one of their favorite Internet browsers or use others. internet search engines. However, she also said that only 1% users have downloaded a competing search service, 10% – Another browser.

"When the service is already in place and that it works, just little curiosity to search for other search gadgets or other browsers," said the European Commissioner. argued that Google had abused its position at a time when the mobile Internet market was growing very fast, thus ensuring that its mobile browser would repeat the success of the Chrome browser already installed on laptops and desktops .

did not go back, but said that the fine was calculated based on Google's profits from online searches on Android devices in the European market since 2011.

She indicated that Google should terminate all actions that have been specified as violating the principles of competition, as well as not pursuing any action whose purpose is similar.

The existing practice of Google in Russia could serve as an example: after the complaints of a similar Russian regulator, new users of Google's Android devices who log for the first time to Chrome browser can choose which search to use under Default, Google, Yandex or Mail.ru

Since the launch of such tools, Yandex has grown from 34 to 46% in the Russian research market

. The competition conflict in the European Union is unlikely to be resolved so quickly and easily.

Google has already shown in the past that he was ready to fight for his rights in court. They can appeal to the EU courts and, depending on the disputes between the EC and Intel over abusive dominant market positions, we can see that litigation can be measured not by months but by years "[19659021] The European Commission could theoretically punish Google up to 10% .Their annual turnover is correct – according to the latest financial report, it would be 9.5 billion euro But 4.3 billion L & # 39; 39; euro is a record fine for violating competition laws.

Up to now, the largest fine has been awarded to truck manufacturers for a price deal of $ 3.8 billion. Fine is set for 2016. July and 2017 September 1967

To bring its trading comparison service to the highest positions of search results in Google in 2017. June is 2.24 billion euros.

2008 February and 2013 for Micro soft, two fines of $ 1.46 billion were imposed on Microsoft. The first was due to the fact that the Explorer browser was inextricably equipped with the Windows operating system, and the second was due to the inability to offer users the choice of multiple browsers.

In 2008, in November, a total of 1.35 billion euros was allocated to various automotive glbad manufacturers. Fine in euros for unauthorized sharing of sensitive commercial information.

In May, Intel spent $ 1.06 billion. Euro fine for exclusive discounts for manufacturers of computers that have not produced computers with rival processors.

In 2018, Qualcomm was fined so that mobile device makers pay Apple for the use of their technology in January.

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