Wind turbines increased in June, but the half-year result is more modest than last year


According to the press release, data from the Lithuanian Baltpool Energy Resources Exchange show that wind farms operating in Lithuania in the sixth of this year produced about 75.8 GWh of electricity. That 's more than in May, when they absorbed 67.9 GWh of electricity, but less than in last June, when the amount of electricity generated was d 39; about 106.6 GWh

In the first six months of this year, Lithuania's wind farms 567.9 GWh of electricity – about 9 percent. less than during the same period last year.

"Although several months of this year – January and April – have been very windy, the general peaceful climate prevails in Lithuania this year, which is why wind turbines are running more slowly than last year. such fluctuations are a routine phenomenon: electricity production volumes in wind farms, depending on weather conditions, can vary up to 20% in different years. "Aistis Radavičius , director of the Lithuanian Wind Power Association

. He notes that smaller wind turbine volumes this year will affect the price of electricity on the stock market. Nord Pool electricity in Lithuania was one-third higher than last year and stood at 51 EUR / MWh

More than 20 wind farms in Lithuania, as well as a number of power plants in and a total of 521 MW power plants. In one year, they generate more than 12%.

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