With the rise of US oil reserves, its price dropped


The price of Brent crude futures contracts decreased by 31 cents or 0.4%. at $ 71.85 a barrel. US West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil fell 36 cents or 0.5% on Tuesday, up 32 cents to $ 72.16 a barrel after three months of low oil prices.

at $ 67.72 per barrel. During the previous trading session, it stood at 2 cents at 68.08 USD a barrel and went from almost a month to the lowest

Analysts predicted that US oil stocks fall by 3.6 million over the week ending July 13th. Barrels Nevertheless, the American Oil Institute (API) announced Tuesday that the stock has increased by more than 600 thousand. Barrels US official data on commercial oil stocks will be announced Wednesday by the Energy Information Administration

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