Live news and results from Merkel’s successors


German politics is dominated by two parties – the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Left Social Democratic Party, or SPD – which have ruled together in a coalition for the past eight years.

But other parties have grown in popularity over the past decade, with the CDU and SPD losing ground. This election is particularly close; the CDU and the SPD both had voting advantages, and the Green Party also became a serious contender.

Here are the candidates:

Armin Laschet: Christian Democratic Union

(Sean Gallup / Getty Images)
(Sean Gallup / Getty Images)

Merkel’s successor as head of the CDU is Armin Laschet, 60, a longtime ally of the Chancellor and deputy party leader since 2012.

A devout Catholic whose father was at one point an engineer in the coal mines, he was chosen as the party’s candidate after a bitter leadership struggle.

Laschet has a background in law and journalism and was elected to the German Bundestag in 1994.

Merkel has expressed support for Laschet, but despite her efforts to persuade the Germans to stay with the CDU, polls suggest her replacement as the party leader struggled to convince the Germans.

Olaf Scholz: Social Democratic Party

(Ina Fassbender / AFP / Getty Images)
(Ina Fassbender / AFP / Getty Images)

His main opponent is the SPD’s Olaf Scholz, who has taken a surprise lead in the polls in recent weeks, leaving him as the front-runner ahead of Sunday’s vote.

Like Laschet, Scholz has a long history as a political actor in Germany. He has been Minister of Finance and Vice-Chancellor of Merkel since 2018. He previously served as Minister of Labor and Social Affairs between 2007 and 2009. These roles arguably put him in a better position to present himself as his natural successor than the candidate. of his own party.

Scholz gained visibility by navigating Germany’s economic response to the pandemic and clearing the final electoral hurdle with guaranteed performance in the final televised debate.

The SPD, Germany’s oldest political party, founded in 1863, favors a greater focus on social issues and wants more taxes for the wealthiest people in Germany.

Annalena Baerbock: Green Party

(Clemens Bilan / Pool / Getty Images)
(Clemens Bilan / Pool / Getty Images)

Green Party leader Annalena Baerbock caused a stir in German politics when she jumped in the polls at the start of the campaign, prompting voters to question whether she could become the country’s first green chancellor.

The Green Party is now seen as the potential kingmaker in coalition negotiations.

Christian Lindner: Free Democratic Party

(Steffi Loos / Getty Images)
(Steffi Loos / Getty Images)

Another party that could be a kingmaker in coalition talks is the Liberal Democratic Party (FDP).

The FDP never led a German government but has traditionally exercised influence over the decades, mainly in coalitions with the CDU and the SPD.

Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla: Alternative for Germany (AfD)

(Sebastian Kahnert / picture alliance / Getty Images)
(Sebastian Kahnert / picture alliance / Getty Images)

The far-right AfD remains a stubborn presence on the political scene, led by Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla.

The refugee crisis that sparked the AfD’s rise in German politics in 2015 has abated as an urgent political issue, but the party remains an outlet for voters angered by immigration issues. In March, they became the first German party since the Nazi era to be placed under government surveillance.

It is currently the third largest party in the German parliament and the largest opposition party in the past four years.

In 2017, AFD managed to steal voters from the CDU (those voters unhappy with Merkel’s shift to the center) and the SPD. However, the party has struggled to maintain its momentum since then and has come under heavy criticism for its ties to the far right.


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