Local fire departments receive $ 6,500 from Kentucky American Water


LEXINGTON, Ky. (WTVQ / Press Release) – As part of Kentucky American Water’s 2021 Firefighting Support Grant program, 13 fire departments will share $ 6,500 in total grant funds.

Since the program’s inception in 2011, $ 85,000 has been awarded to Kentucky fire and emergency organizations. The announcement also coincides with National Fire Prevention Week October 3-9, raising awareness of the importance of fire prevention and emergency planning.

“Perhaps more than ever, local fire departments need additional funds to continue their
efforts to protect communities and respond to emergencies, ”said Dave Farrar, Kentucky American Water’s vice president of operations. “We are honored to continue our Firefighting Support Grant program to support the tremendous work they do and thank them for the essential services they provide to communities year round, despite the circumstances. “

Kentucky American Water’s Fire Fighting Support Grant program covers a variety of fires
service expenses associated with personal protective equipment, communication equipment,
firefighting tools, fire prevention training and education.

The following departments received the latest award from the grants program:

Bourbon County
• Bourbon County Fire Department for the purchase of new medical bags
• Hutchison Station Volunteer Fire Department for the purchase of an agricultural rescue hand
• Millersburg Fire and Rescue for the purchase of a fire hose
• North Middletown Volunteer Fire Department for the purchase of a new
grass / brush fire truck

Fayette County
• Lexington Fire Department for the purchase of fire resistant hoods
Franklin County
• Franklin County Fire Department for the purchase of portable foam systems

Gallatin County
• Glencoe Fire Department for the purchase of new helmets

Harrison County
• Harrison County Fire District for the purchase of flashlights for signal rods

Owen County
• Owenton Volunteer Fire Department for the purchase of high visibility vests

Rockcastle County
• Climax Volunteer Fire Department towards the installation of a generator
• Livingston Fire and Rescue to purchase fire valves

Woodford County
• Town of Midway Volunteer Fire and Rescue for the purchase of a fire hose
• Woodford County Fire Protection District for the purchase of training materials

For more information on National Fire Prevention Week, visit www.nfpa.org/fpw.


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