Looser restrictions expected soon with Colorado’s COVID-19 dial, public input requested


DENVER (KKTV) – The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is expected to change the state’s COVID-19 dial, easing restrictions.

The state agency is also asking for comments on the draft changes. The dial has functioned as a tool for state and counties to adopt looser and fewer restrictions for counties that meet certain COVID-19 data requirements. It was put back in place on September 15, 2020.

On Friday, El Paso County was in the yellow level and Pueblo County was in the blue level. Blue has fewer restrictions than yellow and green has the fewest restrictions of all levels.

In the proposed update, it would be easier for counties to move to “green level”. Click here to learn more about what each level represents. If approved as is, the changes would also remove many restrictions that currently apply at this level. Additionally, restrictions for bars, retail establishments, offices and non-critical manufacturing facilities would be relaxed for Level Blue counties: Attention. If adopted, the new numbering framework would be considered “Dial 3.0” and could come into effect as early as Wednesday.

“Thanks to the commitment of all Coloradans, we are where we are now, able to be less restrictive and give more control to local communities and their public health agencies while protecting public health”, said Jill Hunsaker Ryan, Executive Director of CDPHE. “It’s all about balance. We have adopted the restrictions we need to slow the disease down while trying to limit the ramifications of shutting down parts of the state and the impacts that ensue.

People have until Monday noon to give their opinion.

Click here to see all of the proposed changes.

Click here to give your opinion.

The main changes to the Dial 3.0 project are:

  • The settings for Level Green: Protect Our Neighbors have changed, making it easier for counties to achieve Protect Our Neighbors status. Now counties can apply for Protect Our Neighbors if they have up to 35 cases of COVID-19 per 100,000 population – up from 15 cases.
  • The metric range for Level Blue is now 36 to 100 cases per 100,000 population.
  • Most of the restrictions in Level Green: Protect Our Neighbors are now removed. Bars, gymnasiums and indoor events must always meet a 50% capacity limit or a 500 person cap, whichever is less.
  • Bars can now open below the blue level. The capacity limit is 25% or 75 people, whichever is less.
  • Outdoor events in the green and blue levels no longer have capacity restrictions below the dial. Counties may choose to implement capacity restrictions for outdoor events at the local level.
  • Retail, office, and non-critical manufacturing in Level Blue can now open at 75% capacity, up from 50%.
  • There is no longer a state limit on the size of personal gatherings. The state will follow CDC guidelines on personal gatherings. The CDC still strongly recommends avoiding larger gatherings and crowds to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
  • Level Blue 5-star businesses can operate up to 60% of their capacity, with no more than 50 people above the ceilings for restaurants and indoor events and 25 people above the ceiling for gyms.

Continue to stay up to date by visiting covid19.colorado.gov.

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