Los Angeles health officials advise some residents to wear face masks at home as COVID-19 outbreak spreads


The COVID-19 outbreak in Los Angeles County has taken such a drastic turn that health officials have now advised people to wear masks inside their homes if they live with people over great risk.

Masks at home “will add a layer of protection as we ride this wave,” Barbara Ferrer, county public health director, said Monday, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Anyone living with elderly Angelenos or residents with an underlying health condition are advised to mask themselves each day upon their return home.

“When you need to go out, work, or for essential services, always wear a mask, keep your distance from others, wash your hands frequently, and bring disinfectant wipes with you to wipe down your cell phone, car keys, workstations, doorknobs and whatever you touch and whatever other people touch, ”the State Department of Health said in a statement.

“Now is the time to be extremely careful and very careful.”

On average, 10 people in Los Angeles County test positive every minute, health officials said. Deaths have increased by more than 1,000% since early November.

In total, more than 885,000 have tested positive to date and at least 11,752 have died.


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