Los Angeles hospitals hit by ‘significant’ increase in number of Covid patients – deadline


The Los Angeles County Public Health Department reported on Monday “a significant increase in the number of people hospitalized each day with Covid-19 disease.”

There were 528 people with Covid-19 hospitalized to date; Last Monday, 372 people were hospitalized. That’s a 42% increase in one week. On June 15, when California dropped its pandemic restrictions, 218 people were hospitalized. Cases have increased 700% since June 15, and the LA Department of Public Health said today that “we are now starting to see a corresponding increase in hospitalizations.”

Test positivity increased tenfold, from 0.4% on June 15 to Monday’s test positivity rate of 4.1%. That puts LA – and California – above the national test positivity rate of 3.77%, according to Johns Hopkins.

New California Covid Cases Surpass 4,000 For First Time Since February; Positive tests have increased by more than 30% in the past week, now higher than the overall rate of tests in the United States

LA County confirmed 1,233 new cases of Covid-19 on Monday. This is the 11th day in a row that cases have exceeded 1,000 and, according to health officials, is likely low due to reduced testing and delays over the weekend. This daily statistic is nearly three times the number of new cases reported just two weeks ago.

Of the two new deaths reported today, one was over 80 and one was between 65 and 79. Deaths, according to public health officials, are a lagging indicator, meaning they only increase weeks after cases and hospitalizations. get up. There is evidence of fewer severe cases of Covid among those who are vaccinated, although it remains to be seen how it plays out in Los Angeles.

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The public health department again warned on Monday of the risks the more infectious Delta variant poses to the nearly 4 million people in LA County who have not been or are not eligible to be vaccinated, including 1 , 3 million children under 12.

A new order for masks for everyone indoors in all indoor public places, regardless of vaccination status, went into effect at 11:59 p.m. on Saturday. entertainment centers, meetings and state and local government offices serving the public. Standard exceptions apply to children under two years of age, those with certain medical conditions or disabilities that prevent masking, and those whose work does not allow masking.


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