Los Angeles residents, here’s how to determine when and where you can get the vaccine


In case you missed it, the state of California now allows people 65 years of age and over to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

But in Los Angeles County, health officials say they are not ready to vaccinate people in this age group until February at the earliest. This is because there are simply not enough doses of the vaccine available yet.

The county and its 200 partners currently have nearly 700,000 doses for healthcare workers and have administered around 300,000 to date, according to Dr. Paul Simon of the LA County Department of Public Health, who spoke. with our newsroom’s local news and culture show, Take Two, airing on 89.3 KPCC.

To get more people vaccinated, the county is opening five full-scale vaccination centers, including one at Dodger Stadium, which are expected to vaccinate up to 4,000 people a day – 260,000 by the end of the month. the The county hopes its partners can administer doses to an additional 250,000 people, so that 500,000 health workers are vaccinated by the end of the month, including support staff.

But it all got us thinking: how are you supposed to know when it’s time you get your stroke?

Simon said the county will use several different channels to ensure citizens are notified when their turn comes:

“Of course, we will work with the media to get the message across. But in addition, [we’ll be] work with health care providers, who will then contact their patients in this age group. We will be working with various organizations like AARP and others. And we have a newsletter that anyone can sign up for on our website. So we’re going to use all of these channels to try to get the word out. “

This website is VaccinateLACounty.com.

Look for this box on the county website.

Look for the newsletter signup box on the left (if you’re on a computer) or at the top of the page on mobile. Or just click on the image here.

When you sign up, county officials said you’ll be updated through the newsletter on which groups are eligible to receive the vaccine.

LA County is still in the first phase, Phase 1A, which the public health site defines as:

“Healthcare workers listed in Phase 1A who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials. (Low risk healthcare workers such as administrative support staff WITHOUT routine in-person patient contact will be offered vaccination in Phase 1B Tier2). “




Here’s a look at longer-term trends in the county, state, and the United States, thanks to the Google News Initiative and California’s COVID-19 Dashboard. You can also visit our California COVID-19 Tracker and choose California or any county within the state that interests you.



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